Operator Messages Manual

Chapter 96 SNAX-CDF Messages

The following messages are sent by the SNAX/CDF subsystem. The subsystem ID displayed by these messages includes SNAX‑CDF as the subsystem name. In this chapter, the term proc-name refers to the SNAX/CDF process.

NOTE: Negative-numbered messages are common to most subsystems. If you receive a negative-numbered message that is not described in this chapter, see Chapter 15.


proc-name: Activate in progress with CDRM net-name due to ACTCDRM

Cause  An SSCP-SSCP session setup is in progress between SNAX/CDF and the specified remote cross-domain resource manager (CDRM) due to an ACTCDRM request.

Effect  None

Recovery  Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.


proc-name: CDRM net-name active

Cause  An SSCP-SSCP session between SNAX/CDF and the remote cross-domain resource manager (CDRM), net‑name, just became active.

Effect  None

Recovery  Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.


proc-name: CDRM net-name now inactive

Cause  An SSCP-SSCP session between SNAX/CDF and the remote cross-domain resource manager (CDRM), net‑name, has just become inactive.

Effect  None

Recovery  Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.


proc-name: Deactivate in progress with CDRM net-name due to DACTCDRM

Cause  A DACTCDRM request started an SSCP-SSCP session takedown between SNAX/CDF and the remote cross-domain resource manager (CDRM), net-name.

Effect  None

Recovery  Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.


proc-name: FSM fsm-error,State = fsm-state Event = fsm-event,PROCID = proc-id


identifies the finite state machine (FSM).


identifies the state value for finite state errors.


identifies the number of the error that triggered the FSM error.


identifies a procedure or group of procedures.

Cause  A finite state machine (FSM) encountered an invalid state/error combination.

Effect  The process continues, but some sessions may encounter unpredictable difficulties.

Recovery  Ask the Global NonStop Solution Center (GNSC) and provide the representative with all relevant information as follows:

  • Descriptions of the problem and accompanying symptoms

  • Details from the message or messages generated

  • Supporting documentation such as Event Management Service (EMS) logs, trace files, and a processor dump, if applicable

If your local operating procedures require contacting the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC), supply your system number and the numbers and versions of all related products as well.

Attempt to determine whether any users or resources are experiencing difficulty. Reset the user or resource with the ABORT command.


proc-name: INOP received for net-name, reason: reason-code


is the name of the INOP link or link station.


is one of the codes listed in the table below:

DACTLINK (unconditional reset)DACTLINK caused an unconditional reset that resulted in a link INOP.
DISC receivedA station INOP has been received that indicates a synchronous data-link control (SDLC) DISC.
DM receivedA station INOP has been received that indicates an SDLC DM.
IPL or DUMP in progressAn initial program load (IPL) or program dump is in progress.
Loss of contact or connection failureA station INOP was received. There is a loss of contact, a loss of connection, or a connection establishment failure.
RD receivedA station INOP and an SDLC RD were received.
RPO in progressAn RPO is in progress.
UnknownThe reason for the INOP is unknown.

Cause  A link-related connection or contact failure has occurred.

Effect  The link or link station is not operative.

Recovery  If the outage is the result of a physical failure, notify the appropriate network service personnel. If the outage is the result of some operator action in the network and was not expected, contact the operators controlling the reporting node or its adjacent node, or both to coordinate your actions.


proc-name: HOSTSA exceeds MAXSUBA

Cause  The HOSTSA startup parameter value was greater than the MAXSUBA parameter value.

Effect  The process terminates abnormally.

Recovery  Correct the startup sequence in the SNAX/CDF RUN command by either lowering the value of HOSTSA or increasing the value of the MAXSUBA startup parameter to allow additional subarea specifications. The default value for MAXSUBA is 31.


proc-name: Link net-name active

Cause  The link, net-name, is active.

Effect  None

Recovery  Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.


proc-name: Link net-name inactive

Cause  The link, net-name, just became inactive as a result of a DACTLINK request. The operator has stopped the line.

Effect  The link is no longer active.

Recovery  Informational message only; no corrective action is needed. If the link should not have been deactivated, restart the link.


proc-name: Missing startup parameter HOSTSA

Cause  The startup sequence did not include the HOSTSA startup parameter.

Effect  The process terminates abnormally.

Recovery  Correct the startup sequence by including the HOSTSA startup parameter and retry.


proc-name: Missing startup parameter NETNAME

Cause  The startup sequence did not include the NETNAME startup parameter.

Effect  The process terminates abnormally.

Recovery  Correct the startup sequence by including the NETNAME parameter and retry.


proc-name: Invalid value specified for MAXOPENS, limit is: opener-limit

Cause   This message displays the current implementation limits for the MAXOPENS parameter of the RUN command and indicates that the value specified for the MAXOPENS parameter is not valid.

Effect  The process terminates.

Recovery  Lower the startup parameter MAXOPENS to a valid value when you reissue the SNAX/CDF RUN command.


proc-name: Required CDRM net-name not active

Cause  There is no SSCP-SSCP session between SNAX/CDF and the remote cross-domain resource manager (CDRM), net-name, because the CDRM is inactive. This message follows SNAX/CDF operator message 21.

Effect  The attempted session between the primary logical unit (PLU) and the secondary logical unit (SLU) fails.

Recovery  Activate the remote CDRM.


proc-name: Required COS name COS-name undefined

Cause  The required class of service (COS) name is undefined. This message follows SNAX/CDF operator message 21.

Effect  The attempted session between the primary logical unit (PLU) and the secondary logical unit (SLU) fails.

Recovery  Make sure that the COS name is defined, or change the application program to ask for a defined COS name.


proc-name: Required resource net-name not available, Sense = SNA-sense-code code-info


is the SNA network name of the logical unit.


is the SNA sense code.


is the SNA sense-code-specific information.

Cause  The requested resource is not available. See the sense code and user sense data information to determine the probable cause. This message follows SNAX/CDF operator message 21. See the IBM Systems Network Architecture Formats manual, GA27‑3136, or the IBM Systems Network Architecture Network Product Formats manual, LY43‑0081, for further information regarding the sense codes and sense data.

Effect  The attempted session between the primary logical unit (PLU) and the secondary logical unit (SLU) fails.

Recovery  Take appropriate action on the controlling system to activate the resource.


proc-name: Required resource net-name undefined

Cause  The required resource is undefined. This message follows SNAX/CDF operator message 21.

Effect  The attempted session between the primary logical unit (PLU) and the secondary logical unit (SLU) fails.

Recovery  Take appropriate action on the controlling system to define the resource. For example, if the resource is an application, define the application using the ADD APPL command.


proc-name: Route Failed from adj-sa to orig-sa - Destination Subarea dest-sa - Netname dest‑net‑name


is the SNA network name of the adjacent link station (physical unit).


is the subarea number of the origin subarea node.


is the subarea number of the destination subarea.


currently returns *** N/A *** and is reserved for future use.

Cause  A transmission group has become inoperative.

Effect  None. The process continues.

Recovery  If the outage is the result of a physical failure, notify the appropriate network service personnel. If the outage is the result of some operator action in the network and was not expected, contact the operator or operators controlling the reporting node or its adjacent node or both to coordinate your actions.


proc-name: RU RU-text-ID pending from orig-net-name to dest-net-name for SNAX/CDF-net-name


is the text identifier of the request unit.


is the SNA network name of the cross-domain resource manager (CDRM) or LU originating the RU.


is the SNA network name of the destination CDRM or LU of the RU.


is the SNA network name of the SNAX/CDF subarea node.

Cause  A request unit (RU) has been pending on the SNAX/CDF node for a period of three to six minutes without the receipt of a corresponding response unit.

Effect  While the pending condition exists, this error is repeated every three minutes.

This error is simply an indication that a problem may exist. The longer the pending condition exists (the more duplicates of this error that you see), the more likely it is that a problem exists.

Recovery  Notify the appropriate system personnel.


proc-name: Session Setup for PLU = PLU-net-name SLU = SLU-net-name failed


is the SNA network name of the primary logical unit (PLU).


is the SNA network name of the secondary logical unit (SLU).

Cause  A session setup error has occurred and the LU‑LU session setup failed. This error is followed by a second SNAX/CDF message, as follows:

Message 15:Cross-Domain Resource Manager (CDRM) Not Active
Message 16:Class of Service Undefined
Message 17:Resource Not Available
Message 18:Resource Undefined

Effect  The attempted session between the PLU and the SLU fails.

Recovery  Take appropriate action based on the recovery specified for the second error.


proc-name: Software Error;proc-comp-id, P = p-register


is the procedure/component identification.


is the program “P” register.

Cause  SNAX/CDF encountered an invalid condition due to a software error.

Effect  The process terminates abnormally.

Recovery  Contact the Global NonStop Solution Center (GNSC) and provide all relevant information as follows:

  • Descriptions of the problem and accompanying symptoms

  • Details from the message or messages generated

  • Supporting documentation such as Event Management Service (EMS) logs, trace files, and a processor dump, if applicable

If your local operating procedures require contacting the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC), supply your system number and the numbers and versions of all related products as well.


proc-name: Link station PU-net-name has contacted subarea subarea-number


is the SNA network name of the link station (physical unit) in which the SNAX/CDF process resides.


is the subarea number of the remote link station.

Cause  SNAX/CDF has contacted the indicated subarea.

Effect  None

Recovery  Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.


proc-name: Link station PU-net-name inactive


is the SNA network name of the remote link station.

Cause  A link station just became inactive.

Effect  None

Recovery  If the link station was not intended to be deactivated, restart the link station.


proc-name: XID exchange error: error Reason: reason-info PU = PU-net-name, XID Sent: XID-hex-string-sent, XID Rcvd: XID-hex-string-rec


is the reason for the XID error. The valid values that are returned in this message include the following XID error messages:

TG is not definedThe transmission group is not defined.
No multilink transmission group (TG) support or DLC type incompatibleNo multilink TG support exists or the DLC type is incompatible.
No errorNo error information is available.
Incompatible stationsAn incompatible station condition exists.
Incompatible with active TGXID is incompatible with an active TG.


further identifies the reason for the XID exchange error. The valid values that can be recorded in this message include the XID error values listed in the following table:

I-field conflictThe maximum receive information field (I-field) is in conflict with other links of a multilink TG.
Link primary onlyBoth the local and remote link station are configured as primary only.
Link secondary onlyBoth the local and remote link stations are configured as secondary.
Multi-TG not supportedThe remote link station does not support multilink transmission groups.
n/aNo further information is available.
(Remote=TWA,Local=TWS)The remote link station is using two-way alternate (TWA) transmission and the local link station is using two-way simultaneous (TWS) transmission.
(Remote=TWS,Local=TWA)The remote link station is using two-way simultaneous (TWS) transmission and the local link station is using two-way alternate (TWA) transmission.
Station not PU.T4The remote link station is not a node type 4.
Station not SDLCThe remote link station does not use the SDLC protocol.
TGN mismatchThe TG numbers specified at each link station do not match.
XID length invalidAn XID length is invalid.


is the SNA network name of the remote link station.


is an XID that was sent (in hexadecimal notation).


is an XID that was received (in hexadecimal notation).

Cause  An Exchange Identification (XID) completed with an indication of error.

Effect  None

Recovery  The configuration parameters of the two link stations are in conflict. Using the information given by the XID error and the reason, take appropriate link configuration action.


proc-name: SPI-cmd failed for net-name, Request = command Sense = SNA-sense-code SNA-sense-code-info


is the command that failed.


is the SNA network name of the resource for which the command failed.


identifies an SNA request unit (RU). The following SNA response units (RUs) can be returned in this error message:



identifies the SNA sense code.


is the SNA sense-code-specific information.

See the IBM Systems Network Architecture Formats manual, GA27-3136, or the IBM Systems Network Architecture Network Product Formats manual, LY43-0081, for further information regarding the sense codes and sense data found in the variables SNA‑sense-code and SNA-sense-code-info.

Cause  A SNAX/CDF Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) command failed because an SNA request failed.

Effect  None

Recovery  Based on the request and sense codes, take appropriate action.


proc-name: Configuration is in progress

Cause  The SNAX/CDF configuration is in progress.

Effect  None

Recovery  Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.


proc-name: Invalid configuration file:filename, Reason:reason


is the name of the file in error.


is the reason for the configuration error. The valid values for reason are listed in Table 96-1.

Table 96-1 reason and Values for SNAX/CDF Message 28

Incorrect file codeAn incorrect file code exists for the configuration file. The configuration file must have a code of 851.
Incorrect MAXOPENS specifiedThe startup sequence specified a configuration file (through the CONFIG startup parameter) that had been used during a previous startup for this SNAX/CDF and that has a MAXOPENS specification with a different value than the value specified in the current startup sequence.
Incorrect Subarea specifiedEither the HOSTSA or MAXSUBA startup parameter is causing the problem. This error occurs if the startup sequence specifies a configuration file (through the CONFIG startup parameter) that has been used during a previous startup and there are conflicts between the values in the configuration file and the current specifications for these parameters. The following conditions can cause this error to occur as follows:
  • The HOSTSA startup parameter is specified with a value exceeding the MAXSUBA limit indicated in the specified configuration file.

  • An attempt is made to assign a HOSTSA value that has already been assigned to another subarea in the specified configuration file.

  • The MAXSUBA startup parameter is specified with a value different from the value contained in the specified configuration file.

Insufficient memory spaceThe configuration file is at an incompatible version. To resolve this problem, you must purge the old configuration file, restart SNAX/CDF, and either reenter all Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) configuration commands or rerun the obey file that contains the SCF configuration commands.
Not a disc fileThe configuration file is not a disk file.
Version incompatibleThe configuration file is at an incompatible version. To resolve this problem, you must purge the old configuration file, restart SNAX/CDF, and either reenter all SCF configuration commands or rerun the obey file that contains the SCF configuration commands.


Cause  The SNAX/CDF configuration file is invalid.

Effect  The process terminates abnormally.

Recovery  Specify a valid configuration file during startup, correct the startup parameter, or rebuild the configuration file using normal methods.


proc-name: Configuration completed

Cause  The SNAX/CDF configuration has completed.

Effect  None

Recovery  Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.


proc-name: APPL net-name, OPENNAME name, DLU: dlu cannot locate configured map: charmap-name


is the SNA network name of the application.


is the OPENNAME of the application.


is the name of the destination logical unit (DLU).


is the character map name.

Cause  The configured map name, charmap-name, could not be found in the character map file (specified by CHARMAPFILE in the SNAX/CDF RUN command) during a file system request. Either the CHARMAPNAME parameter was specified incorrectly or the character map file cannot be accessed.

Effect  A file-system error is returned to the application, and the process continues.

Recovery  Correctly specify the CHARMAPNAME and CHARMAPFILE parameters on the SNAX/CDF RUN command. If the CHARMAPNAME value is in error and you want to correct it for a specific application only, specify the CHARMAPNAME parameter in the ADD APPL or ALTER APPL command. See Appendix B, for information on the specified error.


proc-name: APPL net-name has no DLU configured

Cause  The destination logical unit (DLU) name is missing from the configuration for the APPL object net-name.

Effect  Logon failed.

Recovery  Specify the DLU parameter for the APPL object and retry the logon.


proc-name: APPL net-name references undefined DLU dlu

Cause  The APPL object was added with a mistyped destination logical unit (DLU) name, the CDRSC object that was specified as the DLU name has not been added, or the CDRSC object name was misspelled.

Effect  None. The process continues.

Recovery  Correct the DLU name or the spelling of the CDRSC object, or add the CDRSC object that is used as the DLU name.


proc-name: Backup trace start failed, file: file, Error code


is the name of the trace file.


is the file-system error code.

Cause  The initiation of a backup process trace failed.

Effect  None. The process continues.

Recovery   Check the file-system error code in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual. Modify the TRACE command accordingly.


proc-name: BSC Error: System Response = system-error, Extended Response = extended-error, Status/Sense Bytes= bytes

Cause  A BSC error was encountered. The variable items included in the error message give more information on the cause of the error.

Effect  A file-system error is returned to the application; the process continues.

Recovery  The recovery action you take depends on the file-system error returned. Note the information returned for system-error (system response error), extended‑error (extended response error), and bytes (controller sense/status bytes) and then take the appropriate action. For a detailed description of both system and extended responses, see the IBM manual Tuning and Problem Analysis for NCP BSC/Start-Stop Devices, GG24-3093. For a detailed description of controller status/sense bytes, see the IBM 3270 Information Display System, 3274 Control Unit Description and Programmer’s Guide, GA23-0061.


proc-name: APPL-net-name: Exit Timed Out: exit-name

Cause  The timeout value for a SNAX/CDF exit expired before the exit responded.

Effect  If the timeout occurs on the Session Initiation Exit, the session initiation request is denied with sense code %H080A, permission rejected.

Recovery  Ensure that the exit process is still running, that it is on the same processor as SNAX/CDF, and that the exit process is running at a higher priority than SNAX/CDF. If the exit process is performing lengthy calculations or performing I/O, increase the exit’s timeout value.


proc-name: WARNING-CDRM Name Mismatch for SA subarea-number; Expected: CDRM-name-spec, Received: CDRM-name-rec

Cause  The cross-domain resource manager (CDRM) name received in either a request or response ACTCDRM does not match the name specified in the ADD CDRM configuration statement.

Effect  None. The process continues.

Recovery  Verify that the CDRM name is specified correctly.