Operator Messages Manual

Chapter 86 SCS (SQL Communication) Messages

The messages in this chapter are generated by the SQL Communication subsystem (SQLCS). The subsystem ID displayed by these messages includes SCS as the subsystem name.

You can run the EMS Distributor to log SQLCS messages elsewhere and format them for display. See the EMS Manual for more information about that product.

NOTE: Negative-numbered messages are common to most subsystems. If you receive a negative-numbered message that is not described in this chapter, see Chapter 15.

Figure 86-1 shows an event message generated by the SQLCS and sent to the default EMS collector. In this example, the message was formatted by calling the EMS Distributor using the RUNFILTR macro.

Figure 86-1 Message Generated by SQLCS and Reported Using EMSDIST

Message Generated by SQLCS and Reported Using EMSDIST


gmomjobid: method.detail, Internal error condition detected, process abending


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the name of the procedure within SQLCS that generated the event.


contains a numeric qualifier to ZSCS-TKN-METHOD that identifies a specific source location within the procedure that generated the event.

Cause  SQLCS detected an internal logic error or unrecoverable configuration error.

Effect  SQLCS abends after generating this event.

Recovery  First, consult the EMS event log to determine whether a configuration error occurred; for example, SQLCS could not create a NonStop ODBC Server process. If the problem is not obvious after consulting the EMS log, contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


gmomjobid: T9245 configuration error = config-error, GUARDIAN 90 error = fs-error


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is a number that describes the configuration problem. Possible values are:

34001SQLCS could not allocate reserve memory of 32KB. Set the SQLCS swap volume to a disk drive with more free space.
34003The configured IOP is not a MULTILAN, IPX/SPX, or TCP/IP IOP.
34004The open of the communications IOP failed. A file system error is provided. Make sure the LAN has been correctly configured and started.
34005Indicates a service translation error. The port name could not be found in the TCP/IP SERVICE file. No file system error; the field is set to 0. Make sure you put a name and port-number pair in the file $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP.SERVICES and that the file is secured for read access by SQLCS.
34008Server class configuration error. This occurs, for example, if AVAILABLESERVERS is set greater than MAXSERVERS. Look at the EMS error message to determine the exact cause of the server class configuration failure.
34009The configuration of the server class was rejected. Rejection is total; the configuration remains unchanged. If the configuration is for a new (non-existent) server class, the server class is not added and not started. If the conifguration is for an existing server class, the server class continues to run under the current configuration.


is the file system error code associated with this event.

Cause  A configuration error occurred.

Effect  SQLCS generates the error message and abends.

Recovery  Correct the configuration file and restart SQLCS.


gmomjobid: Insufficient SQLCS resources to process a request. Resource error = resource-error


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is a number that describes the resource error type encountered by the server class or SQLCS process. The only possible value is:

34101The maximum number of client connections that SQLCS can process has been reached; no additional connections can be serviced. The total number of connections that can be serviced is the sum of the MAXSERVERS values for all server class definitions.

Cause  Insufficient resources were available for a client connection.

Effect  Subsequent attempts by client programs to connect to SQLCS will encounter errors.

Recovery  Configure SQLCS with greater MAXSERVERS values.


gmomjobid: Memory pressure! T9245 will release reserve memory and stop listening!


is the job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.

Cause  The SQLCS process is running short of virtual memory.

Effect  32KB of reserve memory has been freed for immediate memory needs; SQLCS releases this memory and attempts to continue processing, but no new additional connections will be allowed until SQLCS can reserve additional memory.

Recovery  Set the SQLCS swap volume to a disk drive with more available space. The SQLCS process can dynamically extend its memory segment if disk space is available.


gmomjobid: server process creation error server-err.server-suberr encountered by server class server-class


is the job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the operating system error code (in D-series format), returned on the interface to the server process. The error code can be a file system error, in which case server-suberr can be a subsidiary file system error. A file system error 43 indicates a full disk; an error 48 indicates a security error. For error 43, the operating system cannot find enough disk space to create a swap file for the server. For error 48, the user ID under which the server is operating does not have the security access to create files on the swap disk, so a swap file cannot be created.

Alternatively, server-err can be a negative number indicating an error that was discovered before NEWPROCESS or PROCESSCREATE was called, in which case server-suberr is set to zero. The negative values for this code are as follows:

-31994No suitable CPU can be found.
-31995The process name is invalid.
-31996The child control table is full (insufficient space in the program to launch another process).
-31997The home terminal name is invalid
-31998An invalid swap volume was specified
-31999The library file is invalid
-32000The program name is invalid

All errors except -31996 indicate serious internal problems in the SQLCS process. If error -31996 is reported, you must increase the value of MAXSERVERS for one or more of the configured server classes.

If server-error.server-suberror is 17.0, the NSODBC Server has not been licensed or SQL Compiled.


is the subcode for the error (in D-series format), returned on the interface to the server process.


is the name of the NonStop ODBC server class that encountered the error.

Cause  SQLCS failed to create an NSODBC Server process. Likely causes are an invalid object file name or a CPU list that contains no usable CPUs.

Effect  The return codes from the process creation procedure appear in the SERVER-ERR and SERVER-SUBERR tokens.

Recovery  Analyze the error codes to determine the reason for the process creation failure, and correct the configuration as necessary. Likely causes are an invalid object file name or a CPU list that contains no usable CPUs.


gmomjobid: Error fs-error sending startup message to server process server-process of class server-class


is the job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the file system error code associated with this event.


is the name of the NonStop ODBC Server process.


is the name of the NonStop ODBC server class that encountered the error.

Cause  SQLCS could not send a startup message to a newly created NSODBC Server process. The NSODBC Server failed after it was successfully started by SQLCS, but before it read the startup message.

Effect  The NSODBC Server fails.

Recovery  Analyze the file system error to determine the reason for the failure, and correct the configuration or program error as necessary. The cause is probably a code problem either in SQLCS or the NSODBC Server. This condition can occur if the IN-FILE and OUT-FILE of the server process point to a nonexistent device or a to device that does not allow multiple openers. Occasionally, timing problems on a heavily loaded system can produce this event.


gmomjobid:objtype objname object state changed to objstate


is the job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the type of object referenced by this event: SESS(ion), PROC(ess), or SERVER.


is the name of the SQLCS process, session, or path referenced by this event. If objtype is SESS(ion), objname is the PC NETBIOS name for the value @Listener. If objtype is PROC(ess), objname is the SQLCS process name. If objtype is SERVER, objname is a server process name.


is the current state of the SQLCS process, session, or path referenced by this event. Possible values are any of the following:

STARTINGSESS/SERVER object initializing and waiting for work.
STARTEDPROC/SESS/SERVER beginning to process work. For processes, this means the process has been successfully initialized and is initializing subcomponents. For sessions, this means the session object has accepted a client connection. For servers, this means a server has been linked to a client connection.
STOPPINGSESS terminating/deleting resources; SERVER beginning reinitialization to service another client.
STOPPEDSESS object terminated; SERVER object terminated

Cause  The Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) status of an SQLCS process, session, or path has changed.

Effect  None. This event message is informational only.

Recovery  No action is necessary.


gmomjobid: SMB command smb-cmd.smb-sub-cmd generated error reply: smb-errclass.smb-error, Client=client-name


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the SMB command code.


is the SMB command subcode for commands with multiple actions (for example, SmbTrans).


is the DOS error class value returned for the SMB error reply.


is the DOS error value returned for the SMB error reply.


is the NETBIOS name of the client workstation associated with the event.

Cause  A LAN Manager Server Message Block (SMB) error was returned to the client workstation, indicating that the client/server communication protocol has deviated from its expected range; the problem could be in either the client or the server.

Effect   SQLCS abends after generating this event.

Recovery  Analyze this event in conjunction with state changes in the SERVER and SESSION objects and Multilan I/O errors. Note any abnormal behavior at the client workstation and correlate it with the events to determine if a problem exists.


gmomjobid: MULTILAN mlam-cmd I/O error on client client-name, Zfil=fs-error, NCB=ncb-retcode


is the job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the Multilan command code associated with this event.


is the NETBIOS name of the client workstation associated with this event.


is the file system error code associated with this event.


is the Multilan command result code associated with this event.

Cause  A Multilan or file system error occurred when SQLCS attempted to communicate with a client workstation.

Effect  A file system error and a Multilan error code are reported with this event.

Recovery  This event is sometimes associated with a recoverable problem, such as a temporary lack of sufficient MLAD memory.

Analyze the file system or Multilan return code to determine the cause of the failure. File system errors usually indicate a configuration error; Multilan errors can be either configuration errors or network errors, depending on the return code value.

See “Managing the NonStop ODBC Server” in the NonStop ODBC Installation and Management Manual for a list of the more important reply codes and what SQLCS does when they are returned.

See Appendix A of the Multilan/TLAM Programming Manual for a list of all possible NETBIOS return codes and corresponding recovery.


gmomjobid: TCP/IP I/O error on client clientname, a tcpip-op operation encountered error fs-error


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the NETBIOS name of the client workstation associated with the event. The client name consists of the string IP-address:port-number; for example, 130.256.456.130:5005.


is a string describing the TCP/IP communication that failed.


is the file system error code associated with this event.

Cause  A TCP/IP error occurred while SQLCS was communicating with a client workstation.

Effect  A file system error and a TCP/IP error code are reported with this event. SQLCS terminates the session between itself and the client.

Recovery  The TCP/IP action associated with the error might have been a SEND, RECEIVE, BIND, LISTEN, ACCEPT, or SHUTDOWN operation. Analyze the TCP/IP error code to determine the nature of the failure. Errors in the range of 4000 through 4500 are TCP/IP-specific errors. All other errors are file system errors. In general, file system errors indicate that a configuration error occurred.

If the error occurs during SQLCS initialization, verify that SQLCS is using an available port—one that is not in use by another process. The client-name _INITIALIZE indicates that SQLCS encountered an error while attempting to initialize the transport connection. This can be caused by any of the following:

  • SQLCS cannot find the TCP/IP IOP.

  • The TCP/IP IOP has not been started.

  • The NETWORK-NAME parameter does not exist in the SERVICES file.

  • The NETWORK-NAME references a port number that is in use by another process.

Other errors, after initialization, indicate network errors or abnormal client termination.


gmomjobid: Server class warning! Server class = server-class, Warning = resource-error


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the name of the NonStop ODBC server class that encountered the error.


is a number that describes the resource error type encountered by the server class or SQLCS process. Possible values are:

34201SQLCS could not initialize a server class because of insufficient system resources. Specifically, SQLCS could not start the number of servers specified in MINSERVERS for the server class. The specific problem encountered in any process creation attempt is reported in a SERVERCREATE-ERROR or SERVERSTART-ERROR EMS message. SQLCS continues to run, but applications using the server class might not receive the expected connection performance time. SQLCS might eventually exhaust server resources for the class.
34202It was possible to map a client to a defined server class, but the class was not configured into SQLCS. Clients requiring this class will be directed to the DEFAULT server class, with the result that SQL execution performance may be degraded.

Cause  SQLCS had insufficient resources to initialize a server class.

Effect  A client could not link to a server or start new server processes.

Recovery  Configure SQLCS with the required server class or release sufficient system resources so that SQLCS can start the minimum required number of servers for each class.


gmomjobid: A client timed-out waiting for a server to become available. Server class = server-class


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the name of the NonStop ODBC server class that could not provide a process for the connection.

Cause  A client exceeded a time-out value while waiting for a server process to become available, because too few servers were configured to meet client connection needs.

Effect  Other clients might be unable to connect to the NSODBC Server as well.

Recovery  Adjust the server class configuration so that it has a higher MAXSERVERS value for the class reported in the event.


gmomjobid: There is no server available to satisfy a client connection request. SQLCS will attempt to start another server. Server class = server-class


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the name of the NonStop ODBC server class that could not provide a running process for a new client connection.

Cause  A client could not link to a server because no server exists that satisfies the request.

Effect  SQLCS attempts to start a new process.

Recovery  Set MINSERVERS to a higher value for the server class name reported in the event, unless you prefer that clients wait for a new server to be started, in which case you can ignore this message.


gmomjobid: Mapping server I/O(WRITEREAD) error. Error = fs-error, Name = mapper-logicalname, Mapper class name = server-class


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the file system error code associated with this event. The token contains an operating system error number if appropriate; otherwise, it contains a zero.


is the name the mapping server is attempting to map.


is the name of the server class where the mapping server resides.

Cause  An I/O operation to the mapping server failed.

Effect  All client login requests are forwarded to the default class, if available. Clients already connected can continue to communicate with servers.

Recovery  This is usually a server configuration error, but might reflect an error within the NonStop ODBC Server system catalog. Stop SQLCS and all associated server processes and resolve the problem.


gmomjobid: Name mapping error. Error = mapper-fserror, SQLError=mapper-SQLerror, Name = mapper-logicalname, Mapper class name = server-class


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is a file system error number associated with this event.


is the SQL error code associated with this event.


is the name the mapping server is attempting to map.


is the SQLCS server class where the mapping server resides.

Cause  The mapping server failed while attempting to map a client to a server class.

Effect  All client login requests are forwarded to the default class, if available. Clients already connected are allowed to continue communicating with servers.

Recovery  This event usually occurs because of a configuration error. An inconsistency might exist within the NonStop ODBC Server system catalogs. Stop SQLCS and all associated server processes and resolve the problem.


gmomjobid: Novell SPX I/O error on client client-name, a netware-op operation encountered error fs-error


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the IP address and port number of the client program that encountered the error. It is a hexadecimal string of the form:


for example, 000000F2:00001B30DD8C:0451.


is a string describing the communication function that failed.


is the file system error code associated with this event.

Cause  A Novell Netware SPX error or a file system error occurred while communicating with a client workstation.

Effect  A file system error and a Netware SPX error code are reported with this event.

Recovery  The netware-op operation might have been ACCEPT, BIND, LISTEN, RECEIVE, SEND, SERVICE-ADVERTISEMENT, or SHUTDOWN. Analyze the Novell SPX error code to determine the nature of the failure. Errors in the range of 4000 through 4500 are SPX-specific errors. All other errors are file system errors. File system errors, in general, indicate a configuration error.


gmomjobid: Server class = server-class, attribute = server-attribute, value = server-attribute-value, Warning = config-error


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the name of the NonStop ODBC server class where the mapping server resides.


is the attribute for configuration of the server class


is the value of attribute of the server class


is a number that describes the configuration error. Possible values are:

34001SQLCS could not allocate reserve memory of 32KB. Set the SQLCS swap volume to a disk drive with more free space.
34003The configured IOP is not a MULTILAN, IPX/SPX, or TCP/IP IOP.
34004The open of the communications IOP failed. A file system error is provided. Make sure the LAN has been correctly configured and started.
34005Indicates a service translation error. The port name could not be found in the TCP/IP SERVICE file. No file system error; the field is set to 0. Make sure you put a name and port-number pair in the file $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP.SERVICES and that the file is secured for read access by SQLCS.
34008Server class configuration error. This occurs, for example, if AVAILABLESERVERS is set greater than MAXSERVERS. Look at the EMS error message to determine the exact cause of the server class configuration failure.
34009The configuration of the server class was rejected. Rejection is total; the configuration remains unchanged. If the configuration is for a new (non-existent) server class, the server class is not added and not started. If the conifguration is for an existing server class, the server class continues to run under the current configuration.

Cause  An error occurred when configuring the server class through SCS.

Effect  The (re)configuration fails. The server class configuration remains unchanged.

Recovery  Reconfigure the server class with correct attribute values, then restart the server class and SCS.


gmomjobid: The configuration of a server class was rejected. Server class = server-class, warning = reject-error


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the name of the server class where the mapping server resides.


is a number that describes the configuration problem. Possible values are:

34009The configuration of the server class was rejected. Rejection is total; the configuration remains unchanged. If the configuration is for a new (non-existent) server class, the server class is not added and not started. If the conifguration is for an existing server class, the server class continues to run under the current configuration.

Cause  The configuration of a server class was rejected.

Effect  If the error occurs conifguring a server class, the new server class is not added. If the error occurs while modifying the existing configuration, the current configuration remains unchanged..

Recovery  Reconfigure the server class with correct attribute values . Restart the server class and SCS.


gmomjobid: SCS is trying to stop a busy server process server-process.


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the name of the NonStop ODBC server process.

Cause  SCS is trying to stop a busy server process.

Effect  The execution of an in-process SQL statement on the client may not be completed.

Recovery  Reconfigure the server class with higher values for MAXSERVERS and AVAILABLE_SERVERS. Restart the server class and SCS.


gmomjobid: SCS failed to stop a server process server-process because of a file system error fs-error.


is the operating system job ID associated with the SQLCS process that generated the event.


is the name of the NonStop ODBC server process.


is the file system error code associated with this event.

Cause  SCS failed to stop a server process.

Effect   An SQL Cancel request from the client is not executed. A file system error is reported.

Recovery  Check the file system error and correct reported error conditions. Restart the server process and SCS.