HP Win10IoT Add-on (Citrix Workspace App) VERSION : 2403 REVISION : A PASS : 1 DESCRIPTION: Citrix Workspace App is the easy-to-install client software that provides access to your Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops installations. With this software you can access applications, desktops and data easily and securely from your HP Thin Client. This app version 2403 addresses issues that help to improve overall performance and stability. It includes Citrix Enterprise Browser version, which is based on Chromium version 117. This package is intended for supported thin client models running the Win10 IoT. CONTENTS: CitrixWorkspaceApp-2403.msi - Install package for Citrix Workspace App. CitrixWorkspaceApp-2403.txt - Release notes for the version. KNOWN ISSUES: - In a double-hop scenario, the ALT+TAB key might not work on macOS clients. [CVADHELP-23085] - If a full screen HDX session is on focus, and endpoint is locked using Ctrl+Alt+Del, users might be unable to type anything after unlocking. [CVADHELP-24512] FIXES: - When you are using a virtual desktop session, the keyboard shortcuts with Alt might not work as expected. For example, Ctrl + Alt + Break, which is used to access the menu options of desktop viewer toolbar and to toggle between the windowed and the full-screen modes. [RFWIN-31815] - If you have Real-Time Media Engine (RTME) older than 2.9.700 version installed on the end point device, you might fail to open published apps or desktops. This issue occurs on Citrix Workspace app for Windows 2403 and on Citrix Workspace app for Windows 2402 LTSR versions. [HDX-63684] ENHANCEMENTS: - Sustainability initiative for cloud hybrid launch - Enhanced domain pass-through for single sign-on (Enhanced SSO) - Support for advanced NetScaler policies for Storebrowse on Windows - Version upgrade for Chromium Embedded Framework - Install Microsoft teams VDI plug-in for Citrix - Hide Troubleshooting option for end users - Deprecation of PNAgent support - Citrix Endpoint Analysis - App Protection - Screen Capture Allow List - Process exclusion list - USB Filter Driver Exclusion List - Citrix Enterprise Browser - Security indicator when visiting websites - Citrix Enterprise Browser introduces additional settings in the Global App Configuration service SPACE REQUIREMENTS: Minimum 2 GB RAM. INSTALLATION: The install package, CitrixWorkspaceApp-2403.msi, contains only files for installing CitrixWorkspaceApp-2403.msi It does not execute some commands that are needed to complete the installation of the component. To successfully deploy this component to the client, the following steps need to be done. 1) The write filter must be disabled prior to execute the CitrixWorkspaceApp-2403.msi program 2) Run CitrixWorkspaceApp-2403.msi to install the CitrixWorkspaceApp-2403.msi app The CitrixWorkspaceApp-2403.msi program must be executed using the "/s" switch. If this program is not executed using the "-s" switch, the program may not run correctly. 3) After executing the program, the write filter must be re-enabled 4) A reboot must be executed after the changes are committed to the flash memory. PREREQUISITES: The following steps are required if system does not meet before installing Citrix Workspace app. 1) Please download offline package for the .NET FrameWork 4.8 and follow the steps below for manually installation those packages. 2) Download .NET FrameWork 4.8 package from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework 3) Run *-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe to install OR *x86-x64-allos-enu.exe /q for silient install Note: Install command for HPDM: "msiexec /i CitrixWorkspaceApp-2403.msi ALLUSERS=1" Copyright (c) 2024 HP Development Company, L.P.