Operator Messages Manual

Chapter 130 WANMGR Messages

The messages in this chapter are generated by the WAN manager process, which is created by the Kernel subsystem as a subsystem manager process. The WAN manager process is responsible for starting the various WAN subsystem processes. The subsystem ID displayed by these messages includes WANMGR as the subsystem name.

NOTE: Negative-numbered messages are common to most subsystems. If you receive a negative-numbered message that is not described in this chapter, see Chapter 15.


WANMgr: procedure-name Operation for PROCESS process-obj-spec failed, File system error file-system-error from procedure error-number, file file-name


identifies the operation that was executing when the failure occurred. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“CREATE”An error occurred while creating the process. The process is not created.
“OPEN”An error occurred while opening the #ZWAN subdevice of the process. The WAN manager process is not able to communicate with the #ZWAN subdevice of the process.
“SEND”An error occurred while sending the startup message to the process. The process could not be started because it did not receive a startup message.
“STOP”An error occurred while sending a stop message to the process.


identifies that a PROCESS object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format ABORT PROCESS $ZZWAN.#process-name.


identifies a file-system error. File-system errors are described in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages NonStop TCP/IP. You can also display the message text of a file-system error by typing, at the TACL prompt, the word “error” followed by the error number. To display file-system error information, enter “error -1.”


Contains the identification code of the procedure involved in the error.


identifies the name of the file that was being accessed when the error occurred.

Cause  The WAN manager process failed when executing an operation on the specified PROCESS object. This is a major error message. A configuration or system error has prevented the operation. The causes are described in procedure-name.

Effect  The identified operation cannot be performed.

Recovery  Correct the problem reported in file-system-error. Try to restart the process using the WAN subsystem SCF STOP PROCESS and START PROCESS commands.


WANMgr: scf-command Command is successful on ADAPTER adapter-obj-spec TRACKID : configuration-track-id Preferred TCPIP : tcpip-name [Alternate TCPIP : alt-tcpip-name] [Preferred GATEWAY : gateway] [Alternate GATEWAY : alt-gateway]


identifies the SCF command that was executed. The possible values are:


identifies that an ADAPTER object is the subject of this event. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the name of the preferred NonStop TCP/IP process.


identifies the name of the alternate NonStop TCP/IP process.


identifies the preferred gateway IP address.


identifies the Alternate gateway IP address.

Cause  This is an informational message. The message was generated because the indicated WAN subsystem SCF command was successfully executed on the specified ADAPTER object.

Effect  The effect of each command on the specified ADAPTER object is:

ADDThe ADAPTER object was defined in the configuration database.
ALTERThe ADAPTER object definition in the configuration database was changed.
DELETEThe ADAPTER object was deleted from the configuration database.
STARTThe ADAPTER object is in the STARTED state.
STOPThe ADAPTER object is in the STOPPED state.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANMgr: scf-command Command is successful on SERVER server-obj-spec ADAPTER : conc-name CLIP : clip-number


identifies the SCF command that was executed. The possible values are:


identifies that a SERVER object is the subject of this event. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.clip-num.


identifies the SWAN concentrator name.


identifies the CLIP number.

Cause  This is an informational message. The message was generated because the indicated WAN subsystem SCF command was successfully executed on the specified SERVER object.

Effect  The effect of each command on the specified SERVER object is:

ADDThe SERVER object was defined in the configuration database.
ALTERThe SERVER object definition in the configuration database was changed.
DELETEThe SERVER object was deleted from the configuration database.
STARTThe SERVER object is in the STARTED state.
STOPThe SERVER object is in the STOPPED state.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANMgr: scf-command Command is successful on PATH path-obj-spec ADAPTER : conc-name CLIP : clip-number PATH : path-name IP Address : ip-address


identifies the SCF command that was executed. The possible values are:


identifies that a PATH object is the subject of this event. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.clip-num.path-name.


identifies the SWAN concentrator name.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name.


identifies the new IP address for the PATH.

Cause  This is an informational message. The message was generated because the indicated WAN subsystem SCF command was successfully executed on the specified PATH object.

Effect  The effect of each command on the specified PATH object is:

ADDThe PATH object was defined in the configuration database.
ALTERThe PATH object definition in the configuration database was changed.
DELETEThe PATH object was deleted from the configuration database.
STARTThe PATH object is in the STARTED state.
STOPThe PATH object is in the STOPPED state.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANMgr: scf-command Command is successful on TASK task-obj-spec ADAPTER : conc-name CLIP : clip-number PATH : path-name LINE : line-number PROGRAM : download-file-name


identifies the SCF command that was executed. The possible values are:


identifies that a TASK object is the subject of this event. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.clip-num.dlc-task.


identifies the SWAN concentrator name.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name.


identifies the WAN line number.


identifies the file name of the 510 data link control (DLC) microcode object file code that is downloaded to the SWAN concentrator.

Cause  This is an informational message. The message was generated because the indicated WAN subsystem SCF command was successfully executed on the specified TASK object.

Effect  The effect of each command on the specified TASK object is:

ADDThe TASK object was downloaded to the CLIP FLASH memory.
ALTERThe TASK object was downloaded to the CLIP FLASH memory.
DELETEThe TASK object was removed from the CLIP FLASH memory as follows:
  • If PROGRAM was not specified:

    If a DLC0 or DLC1 task was specified and was running, the code corresponding to the running task was removed from FLASH memory, but continues to run in RAM.
    If a DLC0 or DLC1 task was specified and was not running, the code was not removed from FLASH memory.
    If both DLC0 and DLC1 tasks were specified (*), the above two descriptions would apply to both tasks.
  • If PROGRAM was specified, the code corresponding to the running task was removed from FLASH, but continues to run in RAM.

STARTThe TASK object is in the STARTED state.
STOPThe TASK object is in the STOPPED state.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANMgr: scf-command Command is successful on PROCESS process-obj-spec


identifies the SCF command that was executed. The possible values are:


identifies that a PROCESS object is the subject of this event. Is in the format ABORT PROCESS $ZZWAN.#process-name.

Cause  This is an informational message. The message was generated because the indicated WAN subsystem SCF command was successfully executed on the specified PROCESS object.

Effect  The effect of each command on the specified PROCESS object is:

ADDThe PROCESS object was defined in the configuration database.
ALTERThe PROCESS object definition in the configuration database was changed.
DELETEThe PROCESS object was deleted from the configuration database.
STARTThe PROCESS object is in the STARTED state.
STOPThe PROCESS object is in the STOPPED state.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANMgr: scf-command Command is successful on DEVICE device-obj-spec [LDEV : $ldev] [ADAPTER : conc-name] TRACKID : configuration-track-id CLIP : clip-number LINE : line-number PATH : path-name


identifies the SCF command that was executed. The possible values are:


identifies that a DEVICE object is the subject of this event. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#device-name.


if present, identifies the logical device number.


if present, identifies the SWAN concentrator name.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the WAN line number.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name.

Cause  This is an informational message. The message was generated because the indicated WAN subsystem SCF command was successfully executed on the specified DEVICE object.

Effect  The effect of each command on the specified DEVICE object is listed below:

ADDThe DEVICE object was defined in the configuration database.
ALTERThe DEVICE object definition in the configuration database was changed.
DELETEThe DEVICE object was deleted from the configuration database.
STARTThe DEVICE object is in the STARTED state.
STOPThe DEVICE object is in the STOPPED state.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANMgr: WANMgr internal error P-Register : p-register E-Register : e-register x1 : register-1 x2 : register-2 x3 : register-3 x4 : register-4


Saves the program counter register at the point of failure. Indicates the location where the internal error occurred


Saves the Environment register at the point of failure. Indicates the location where the internal error occurred


Saves register 1 at the point of failure


Saves register 2 at the point of failure


Saves register 3 at the point of failure


Saves register 4 at the point of failure

Cause  This is a critical error message. An internal error occurred within the WAN manager process.

Effect  The operation of the WAN manager process may be affected.

Recovery  Contact your server provider and provide all relevant information as follows:

  • Descriptions of the problem and accompanying symptoms

  • Details from the message(s) generated

  • Supporting documentation such as Event Management Service (EMS) logs, trace files, and a processor dump, if applicable.

    If your local operating procedures require contacting the HP Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC), be prepared to supply your system number and the numbers and versions of products related to the error.


WANMgr: Error while executing procedure-name for [ process-obj-spec | device-obj-spec ] modifier-name CPU : cpu-num Error number : error-number [Error detail : error-detail]


identifies the procedure that failed. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation

process-obj-spec | device-obj-spec

identifies that a PROCESS or DEVICE object is the subject of this operator message. A PROCESS object is in the format ABORT PROCESS $ZZWAN.#process-name. A DEVICE object is in the format $ZZWAN.#device-name.


identifies the name of the PROCESS or DEVICE that could not be started.


identifies the processor in which the PROCESS or DEVICE could not be started.


identifies the error returned by the PROCESS_LAUNCH_IT_ procedure that failed.


identifies the error detail returned by the PROCESS_LAUNCH_IT_ procedure that failed.

Cause  This is a major error message. An error occurred when the WAN manager process attempted to start a process with the PROCESS_LAUNCH_IT_ procedure. Incorrect object configuration or a system error has prevented starting the object.

Effect  The specified PROCESS object was not started.

Recovery  The error reason reported in the message must be analyzed and corrected.


WanMgr WARNING: Changing the configuration paramaters for [ process-obj-spec | device-obj-spec ] Previous Values were: Primary CPU : cpu-num Alternate CPU : alt-cpu-num Type : type Subtype : sub-type Recsize : max-rec-size

process-obj-spec | device-obj-spec

identifies that a PROCESS or DEVICE object is the subject of this operator message. A PROCESS object is in the format ABORT PROCESS $ZZWAN.#process-name. A DEVICE object is in the format $ZZWAN.#device-name.


identifies the primary processor configured for the PROCESS or DEVICE.


identifies the alternate processor configured for the PROCESS or DEVICE.


identifies the NonStop Kernel registered type for the configured PROCESS or DEVICE.


identifies the NonStop Kernel registered subtype for the configured PROCESS or DEVICE.


identifies the record size (SCF RECSIZE attribute) configured for the PROCESS or DEVICE.

Cause  This is a warning message. Configured values for the specified DEVICE or PROCESS object have been changed and the next time the object is started, it will be started with the new values. The configuration parameters for a PROCESS or a DEVICE do not match those found in the configuration database.

Effect  The IOP representing the specified PROCESS or DEVICE object does not match the database configuration.

Recovery  The PROCESS or DEVICE object should be stopped and then re-started so that it can be synchronized with the configuration database.


WANMgr: Error returned from procedure-name for [ process-obj-spec | device-obj-spec ] modifier-name Error number : error-number Error detail : error-detail


identifies the procedure that failed. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“Config_Record_Insert_”Inserting a record in the configuration database.
“Config_Record_Fetch_”Fetching a record from the configuration database.
“Config_Record_Fetch2_”Fetching a PROFILE record associated with a PROCESS or DEVICE object from the configuration database.
“Config_Record_Update_”Updating a record in the configuration database.
“Config_Record_Delete_”Deleting a record from the configuration database.

process-obj-spec | device-obj-spec

identifies that a PROCESS or DEVICE object is the subject of this operator message. A PROCESS object is in the format ABORT PROCESS $ZZWAN.#process-name. A DEVICE object is in the format $ZZWAN.#device-name.


identifies the PROCESS or DEVICE object for which the error is being reported.


identifies the error from the PROCESS_LAUNCH_IT_ or DSC_STOP_DEVICE_ procedure that failed.


identifies the error detail from the PROCESS_LAUNCH_IT_ or DSC_STOP_DEVICE_ procedure that failed.

Cause  This is a warning message. An error occurred when the WAN manager process attempted to access the configuration database record for the specified object. This operator message was reported because an error was returned from the procedure identified in procedure-name.

Effect  The WAN manager process was unable to either create the specified process object using the PROCESS_LAUNCH_IT_ procedure, or to stop the specified process using the DSC_STOP_DEVICE_ procedure.

Recovery  The error and error detail reported in the message must be analyzed and corrected.

When the error value is 1 with error-detail 6005, it indicates that the CONFIG database is already locked by a subsystem and WAN manager is unable to acquire the lock. As a result, the WAN manager will be unable to execute the sensitive commands (ADD/ALTER/ABORT/START/STOP/DELETE) on the WAN subsystem objects.

In this scenario, configure the WAN manager to retry for a maximum of 30 seconds to acquire the lock. This is achieved using the STARTUP parameters RETRYMAX and DELAY (applicable from G06.27 and subsequent G-series RVUs). These parameters can be configured as follows:

SCF>ALTER PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZWAN, & STARTUPMSG "RETRYMAX no. of retries;DELAY delay in centiseconds" 

RETRYMAX can be set with the values from 5 to 30 and DELAY with the values from 0 to 100. The default values for RETRYMAX and DELAY are 5 and 0, respectively. The WAN manager retries to acquire the lock for RETRYMAX times with the specified DELAY in centiseconds. For example, if RETRYMAX is set to 30 with DELAY of 100, it indicates that WAN manager retries 30 times at an interval of 100 centiseconds delay to obtain the CONFIG database lock.

NOTE: Configure the Startup parameters carefully because the default timeout value of SCF commands is 80 Seconds (configurable value). When SCF timeout is less than WAN manager’s retry time, the SCF Command times out but WAN manager continues to process the request.


ConMgr: iop-name, LDEV $ldev, shutdown due to error-reason


identifies the name of the concentrator manager (ConMgr) process that generated the message.


identifies the logical device number of the concentrator manager (ConMgr) process that generated the message.


identifies the reason for the shutdown. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“receiving a STOP”The concentrator manager (ConMgr) process was stopped by the operator.
“not obtaining DCT”Unable to locate DCT entry for the concentrator manager (ConMgr) process.
“not obtaining memory”Insufficient memory available in the processor.
“cannot access memory”An attempt to access the concentrator manager (ConMgr) process extended memory segment failed during initialization.

Cause  This is an informational message. The concentrator manager (ConMgr) process is stopping. The concentrator manager (ConMgr) process has detected an error condition that it considers fatal and cannot continue to run in the processor.

Effect  No SWAN concentrator can be managed for the processor where the concentrator manager (ConMgr) process generated this message.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


ConMgr: Activate PATH for iop-name, LDEV $ldev, [PATH path-name] Status : successful/FAILED [Component : component-name] [PATH A : path-msg [Error : error-number]] [PATH B : path-msg [Error : error-number]] [Recovery : error-recovery] [Warning : Failed on Path A/B Path A/B : path-msg [Error : error-number]]


identifies the DEVICE name of the IOP.


identifies the logical device number of the IOP.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name.


identifies the component that may have caused the error. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“CLIP Kernel”The Kernel running in the CLIP.
“WANMgr”The WAN manager process.
“SNMP Agent”The SNMP agent task in the CLIP
“TCP/IP”The TCP/IP process running in the system processor.
“IOPRM”Any type of operating message-related failure.


identifies the reason for the failure on the specific path, if non-zero. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP - CLIP Unreachable”No route to the host configured.
“TCPIP - Network Unreachable”Network is unreachable.
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP process-related error.
“TCPIP Process Down”TCP/IP process is down.
“Invalid Value”ConMgr received an unexpected value.
“SNMP Memory Shortage packet”No memory available to receive SNMP.
“No Trap Resp from CLIP”ConMgr did not receive Trap from CLIP.
“No Response from CLIP”CLIP did not respond to requests from ConMgr.
“TFTP File Not Found”TFTP could not find the file to download.
“TFTP Access Violation”TFTP server does not have permission to download the file.
“TFTP No Space/Disk Full”TFTP client does not have enough space to store the file.
“TFTP Bad Operation”TFTP packet is corrupted.
“TFTP Bad Tx ID”TFTP bad transmission id.
“TFTP File Already Exists”A file by that name already exists in the adapter.
“TFTP Bad User”The user is not allowed to download the file.
“Bad TFTP Operation”Unsupported TFTP operation attempted.
“TFTP sendto Failed”A sendto to the TFTP process failed.
“No Resp from TFTP Server”TFTP server is not responding.
“TFTP Unknown Packet”Unrecognized TFTP packet.
“TFTP Out of Sequence”An out of sequence packet was received.
“TFTP Too Big Packet”The packet received by TFTP is too big.
“TFTP No Socket”TFTP process could not obtain sockets.
“TFTP No Input”No input for TFTP.
“Error in SNMP Trap”Trap response from CLIP reported an error.
“TCPIP Bind Error”Error encountered while binding to a TCP/IP socket.
“Timeout on TCPIP Bind”Timeout while binding to TCP/IP socket.
“TCPIP version unknown”TCP/IP version unknown.
“TCPIP Socket Error”TCP/IP socket error.
“PATH Stopped”The path is stopped.
“PATH Not Configured”The path is not configured.
“No Timers”Could not allocate a timer from Timer list entry (TLE).
“No Memory”No memory available.
“Timeout on TCPIP Socket”Timeout on TCP/IP socket.
“Bad SNMP Struct”SNMP data received has invalid format.
“SNMP Memory Shortage”Not enough memory to store the SNMP message.
“Ownership”The IOP needs to switch to backup processor for making use of the QIO.
“DCT Not Found”No entry for the TCP/IP process corresponding to the current path.


identifies the details about the reason for the failure, if it is non-zero. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“File Read Error”Unable to read the program file for obtaining binder timestamp.
“Encode SNMP Error”Error in encoding the SNMP request packet to be sent to CLIP.
“Invalid Value“A request to ConMgr contained invalid value, or an internal call has resulted in an invalid value.
“Invalid SNMP Status”The SNMP reply from the CLIP contained an invalid value for error status.
“No Trap Resp from CLIP”CLIP has not responded with Trap for a SET request from host.
“No Response from CLIP”CLIP is not responding to requests from ConMgr.
“Error in SNMP Trap”Trap response indicates an error from CLIP.
“TCPIP Bind Error”Binding to the socket has faile.d
“Timeout on TCPIP Bind”Operation of binding to a socket has timed out.
“Adapter type invalid”Adapter is configured with wrong type.
“Adapter configured with wrong type”Adapter is configured with wrong type.
“DEVICE Stopped”Device is stopped.
“SERVER Stopped”Server down.
“TASK Stopped”Task is stopped.
“Timeout on WanMgr Read”A request to WANMgr has timed out.
“Version Incompatible”Incompatible WANMgr.
“Mismatch of PROG file with adapter’s TYPE”The adapter’s type is not matching the type obtained from the program file.
“Bad Program FileName”Program file is not proper.
“Bad Command”The command is not supported.
“Error in WanMgr Read”Error in reading data from WANMgr.
“Bad IP Address”Routing address provided by WANMgr is wrong.
“Wrong filename convention”The file name is not using to SWAN or SWAN2 file naming convention and the file is not proper.
“Premature Request Abort”IOP has cancelled the activate path request issued to ConMgr.
“TCPIP - CLIP Unreachable”No route to the host configured.
“TCPIP - Network Unreachable”Network is unreachable.
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP process-related error.
“TCPIP Process Down”TCP/IP process is down.
“Invalid Value”ConMgr received an unexpected value.
“SNMP Memory Shortage”No memory available to receive SNMP packet.
“No Trap Resp from CLIP”ConMgr did not receive Trap from CLIP.
“No Response from CLIP”CLIP did not respond to requests from ConMgr.
“TFTP File Not Found”TFTP could not find the file to download.
“TFTP Access Violation”TFTP server does not have permission to download the file.
“TFTP No Space/Disk Full”TFTP client does not have enough space to store the file.
“TFTP Bad Operation”TFTP packet is corrupted.
“TFTP Bad Tx ID”TFTP bad transmission ID.
“TFTP File Already Exists”A file by that name already exists in the adapter.
“TFTP Bad User”The user is not allowed to download the file.
“TFTP Bad TFTP Operation”Unsupported TFTP operation attempted.
“TFTP sendto Failed”A sendto to the TFTP process failed.
“No Resp from TFTP Server”TFTP server is not responding.
“TFTP Unknown Packet”Unrecognized TFTP packet.
“TFTP Out of Sequence”An out of sequence packet was received.
“TFTP Too Big Packet”The packet received by TFTP is too big.
“TFTP No Socket”TFTP process could not obtain sockets.
“TFTP No Input”No input for TFTP.
“Error in SNMP Trap”Trap response from CLIP reported an error.
“TCPIP Bind Error”Error encountered while binding to a TCP/IP socket.
“Timeout on TCPIP Bind”Timeout while binding to TCP/IP socket.
“TCPIP version unknown”TCP/IP version unknown.
“TCPIP Socket Error”TCP/IP socket erro.r
“PATH Stopped”The path is stopped.
“Path Not Configured”The path is not configured.
“No Timers”Could not allocate a timer list entry (TLE.)
“No Memory”No memory available.
“Timeout on TCPIP Socket”Timeout on TCP/IP socket.
“Bad SNMP struct”SNMP data received has invalid format.
“SNMP Memory Shortage”Not enough memory to store the SNMP message.
“Ownership”The IOP needs to switch to backup processor for making use of QIO.
“DCT Not Found”No Entry for the TCP/IP process corresponding to the current path.


identifies the recommended recovery actions. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“Retry after a short delay”A temporary failure that may be retried in 1-10 seconds.
“Retry after a long delay”A failure not likely to be corrected. Retry in 10-30 seconds.
“Retry after a CPU switch”A PATH error that may recover in the backup processor.
“Retry after receiving IOPON”The IOP must wait for an IOPON before recovery is likely.
“None”The IOP should down the line and not attempt to recover.

Cause  This is an informational message. The concentrator manager (ConMgr) process received an activate path request from an IOP. The IOP is trying to start the WAN line by asking the concentrator manager (ConMgr) process to download the microcode to the SWAN concentrator.

Effect  If the download is successful, the IOP can then start WAN traffic on the WAN line. If the download is not successful, the IOP cannot start WAN traffic on the WAN line.

Recovery  If the download is successful, no action is necessary. If the download is not successful, take the necessary steps as defined by error-recovery described above.


ConMgr: Stop Request for iop-name, LDEV $ldev, successful/failed Component : component-name Error : error-number Recovery : error-recovery


identifies the DEVICE name of the IOP.


identifies the logical device number of the IOP.


identifies the component that may have caused the error. The possible value are:

Message TextExplanation
“CLIP Kernel”The Kernel running in the CLIP.
“WANMgr”The WAN manager process.
“SNMP Agent”The SNMP agent task in the CLIP.
“TCP/IP”The NonStop TCP/IP process running in the system processor.
“IOPRM”Any type of operating message-related failure.


identifies the reason for the failure if non-zero. The possible values are:

Message textExplanation
“No Timers”Could not allocate a timer list entry (TLE.)
“No Memory”No memory available.
“Bad WriteRead”WRITEREAD request invalid.
“Bad FileName”File name has invalid format.
“Bad SNMP Struct”SNMP data received has invalid format.
“DCT Not Found”Could not get DCT entry for IOP.
“No PATH Found”Neither path to the CLIP could be accessed.
“Ownership”Could not access either path to the CLIP from this processor.
“Timeout”No SNMP response was received from the CLIP for 5 seconds.
“Internal error”Programming error in the concentrator manager (ConMgr) process.
“DEVICE Stopped”The DEVICE object is stopped.
“SERVER Stopped”The SERVER object is stopped.
“TASK Stopped”The TASK object is stopped.
“PATH Stopped”The PATH object is stopped.
“Version Incompatible”The message version is invalid.
“Bad Parameter”A message parameter is invalid or out of range.
“Not supported”The request message is unsupported.
“Bad Format”The request message format is invalid.
“Bad Command”The command value is invalid.
“Bad IP Address”The IP address assigned to the path is invalid.
“SNMP Memory Shortage”No memory available to build SNMP request.
“Wrong object state”The DLC task is already stopped.


identifies the recommended recovery actions. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“Retry after a short delay”A temporary failure that may be retried in 1-10 seconds.
“Retry after a long delay”A failure not likely to be corrected. Retry in 10-30 seconds.
“Retry after a CPU switch”A PATH error that may recover in the backup processor.
“Retry after receiving IOPON”The IOP must wait for an IOPON before recovery is likely.
“None”The IOP should down the line and not attempt to recover.

Cause  This is an informational message. The concentrator manager (ConMgr) process has completed the stop request from the specified IOP. The IOP has requested the DLC task to be stopped because the LINE was stopped.

Effect  The DLC task has been stopped, now the IOP can terminate if requested.

Recovery  The error reason reported in the message must be analyzed and corrected.


ConMgr: SET error detected from TCPIP tcpip-name, IP Address ip-address, designated PATH path-name, SET error : set-error, Error index : error-index


identifies the name of the NonStop TCP/IP process for the failed PATH.


identifies the destination IP address for the failed PATH.


identifies the PATH name.


identifies the error. The possible values are:

Message textExplanation
“No CLIP SNMP Response”The CLIP SMNP agent did not reply.
“No error”The operation succeeded.
“Object Too big”A field in an SNMP message was too long.
“No Such Object”The SMNP request issued by the ConMgr process contained a value the SNMP agent did not recognize.
“Bad object Value”Value out of range.
“Object is Read Only”Attempt to SET a read-only object.
“Bad Request Format”The format of the SNMP request was not recognized SWAN concentrator SNMP agent.
“SET of Duplicate Value”The command specified duplicate objects.
“SET to Invalid Value”The command had an invalid object value.
“Missing Value”A required object was not found.
“No Buffer Available”No buffer was available in the SWAN concentrator.
“Server Internal Error”The SNMP task in the SWAN concentrator CLIP failed.
“Object Not Supported”A recognized, but unsupported object was found in the SNMP request.
“SET Invalid for Current State”The object is already set to the requested value.
“MIB/Object Value Inconsistent”The value being SET is inconsistent with the MIB context.


identifies a decimal value providing the index of the error in set-error.

Cause  This is an informational message. This message occurred due to a configuration or system error. The concentrator manager (ConMgr) process detected an error when issuing an SNMP SET command to the specified SWAN concentrator.

Effect  The SWAN concentrator TASK was not successfully started. The ACTIVATE PATH operation will attempt to recover by issuing the SET request to another PATH. An ACTIVATE PATH request from an IOP or a WAN subsystem SCF command will not be able to use the specified PATH. The ACTIVATE PATH operation will try to recover by issuing the SET request to another PATH.

Recovery  The error reason reported in set-error must be analyzed and corrected.


ConMgr: TRAP error detected from PATH path-name, TCPIP : tcpip-name IP Address : ip-address TRAP error : trap-component Err index : error-index


identifies the name of the NonStop TCP/IP process for the failed PATH.


identifies the destination IP address for the failed PATH.


identifies the PATH name.


identifies the TRAP component. The possible values are:

Message textExplanation
“SWAN Management Task”The SWAN management task.
“TFTP Client Task”The TFTP Client task.
“BOOTP Task”The BOOTP task.
“LSTNR Task”The PSOS+ Listener task.
“SNMP Agent Task”The SNMP agent task.
“DLC Task”The DLC task.
“DIAG Task”The DIAG task.


identifies a decimal value that further defines the error identified by trap-component.

Cause  This is a major error message. The concentrator manager (ConMgr) process has received a TRAP message in response to an SNMP SET command to the SWAN concentrator that indicates a failure of the Set operation or that the SNMP process failed to receive a TRAP message when one is required.

Effect  An ACTIVATE PATH request from an IOP or a WAN subsystem SCF command will not be able to use the specified PATH. The ACTIVATE PATH operation will try to recover by issuing the SET request to another PATH.

Recovery  The error reason reported in the message must be analyzed and corrected.


conMgr: Add/status task for Trackid, cmgr_trackid, cmgr_concname.clip_number Path : zwan-tkn-path-name File : program Status : successful/failed Recovery : recovery Component : component Reason : cmgr_err Warning : Failed on Path A/Failed on Path B Path A/B : swan_path_a/swan_path_b Error : swan_err_detail_a | swan_err_detail_b


identifies the SWAN concentrator track identity.


identifies the adapter name and the CLIP number.


identifies the Ethernet path name. This token will be present only if the status is “successful.”


specifies the object file to be downloaded to the CLIP. It has the following format:


This is present only if the command was an add task.


identifies whether the command succeeded or failed. If the command succeeded on an alternate path but failed on the requested path, a warning message with error messages on that path is issued. Otherwise, no message is given.


identifies the component that has caused the error. There is no path error message. The possible values are:

Message textExplanation
“CLIP Kernel”The Kernel running in the CLIP.
“WANMgr”The WANMgr process.
“SNMP Agent”The SNMP agent task running in the CLIP.
“TCP/IP”The NonStop TCP/IP process running.


identifies the reason for the failure of the add task or status task command. No path error message will be given.


identifies the reason for the failure on the specific path, if nonzero. The possible values are:

Message textExplanation
“TCPIP - CLIP Unreachable”No route to the host configured.
“TCPIP - Network Unreachable”Network is unreachable.
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP process-related error.
TCPIP Process Down”TCP/IP process is down.
“Invalid Value”ConMgr received an unexpected value.
“SNMP Memory Shortage”No Memory available to receive SNMP packet.
“No Trap Resp from CLIP”ConMgr did not receive Trap from CLIP.
“No Response from CLIP”CLIP did not respond to requests from ConMgr.
“TFTP File Not Found”TFTP could not find the file to download.
“TFTP Access Violation”TFTP server doesn’t have permission to download the file.
“TFTP No Space/Disk Full”TFTP client doesn’t have enough space to store the file.
“TFTP Bad Operation”TFTP packet is corrupted.
“TFTP Bad Tx ID”TFTP bad transmission ID.
“TFTP File Already Exists”A file by that name already exists in the adapter.
“TFTP Bad User”The user is not allowed to download the file.
“Bad TFTP Operation”Unsupported TFTP operation attempted.
“TFTP sendto Failed”A sendto to the TFTP process failed.
“No Resp from the TFTP Server”TFTP server is not responding.
“TFTP Unknown Packet”Unrecognized TFTP packet.
“TFTP Out of Sequence”An out of sequence packet was received.
“TFTP Too Big Packet”The packet received by TFTP is too big.
“TFTP No Socket”TFTP process could not obtain sockets.
“TFTP No Input”No input for TFTP.
“Error in SNMP Trap”Trap response from CLIP reported an error.
“TCPIP Bind Error”Error encountered while binding to a TCP/IP socket.
“Timeout on TCPIP Bind”Timeout while binding to TCP/IP socket.
“TCPIP version unknown”TCPIP version unknown.
“TCPIP Socket Error”TCP/IP socket error.
“Path Stopped”The path is stopped.
“Path Not Configured”The path is not configured.
“No Timers”Could not allocate a timer from Timer list.
“No Memory”Not memory available.
“Timeout on TCPIP Socket”Timeout on TCP/IP socket.
“Bad SNMP Struct”SNMP data received has invalid format.
“SNMP Memory Shortage”No enough memory to store the SNMP message.
“DCT Not Found”No entry for the TCP/IP process corresponding to the current path.

swan_err_detail_a | swan_err_detail_b

identify the reason for the failure if non-zero. The possible values are:

Message textExplanation
“File Read Error”Unable to read the program file for obtaining binder timestamp.
“Encode SNMP Error”Error in encoding the SNMP request packet to be sent to CLIP.
“Invalid Value”A request to ConMgr contained invalid value or an internal call has resulted in an invalid value.
“Invalid SNMP Status”The SNMP reply from the CLIP contained an invalid value for error status.
“No Trap Resp from CLIP”CLIP has not responded with Trap for a SET request from host.
“No Response from CLIP”CLIP is not responding to requests from ConMgr.
“Error in SNMP Trap”Trap response indicates an error from CLIP for previous request from ConMgr.
“TCPIP Bind Error”Binding to the socket has failed.
“Timeout on TCPIP Bind”Operation of binding to a socket has timed out.
“Adapter TYPE invalid”Adapter has been invalidated by WanMgr.
“Adapter configured with wrong TYPE”Adapter is configured with the wrong type.
“DEVICE Stopped”Device is stopped.
“SERVER Stopped”Server down.
“TASK stopped”Task is stopped.
“Timeout on WanMgr Read”A request to WanMgr has timed out.
“Version Incompatible”Incompatible WanMgr.
“Mismatch of PROG file with adapter’s TYPE”The adapter’s type is not matching the type obtained from the program file.
“Bad Program Filename”Program file name is not proper.
“Bad Command”The command is not supported.
“Error in WanMgr Read”Error in reading data from WanMgr.
“Bad IP Address”Routing address provided by WanMgr is wrong.
“Wrong filename convention”The file name is wrong according to SWAN or SWAN 2.
“TCPIP - CLIP Unreachable”No route to the host is configured.
“TCPIP - Network Unreachable”Network is unreachable.
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP process related error.
“TCPIP Process Down”TCP/IP process is down.
“Invalid Value”ConMgr received an unexpected value.
“SNMP Memory Shortage”No memory available to receive SNMP packet.
“No Trap Resp from CLIP”ConMgr did not receive Trap from CLIP.
“No Response from CLIP”CLIP did not respond to requests from ConMgr.
“TFTP File Not Found”TFTP could not find the file to download.
“TFTP Access Violation”TFTP server doesn’t have permission to download the file.
“TFTP No Space/Disk Full”TFTP client doesn’t have enough space to store the file.
“TFTP Bad Operation”TFTP packet is corrupted.
“TFTP Bad Tx ID”TFTP bad transmission ID.
“TFTP File Already Exists”A file by that name already exists in the adapter.
“TFTP Bad User”The user is not allowed to download the file.
“TFTP Bad Operation”Unsupported TFTP operation attempted.
“TFTP sendto Failed”A sendto to the TFTP process failed.
“No Resp from TFTP Server”TFTP server is not responding.
“TFTP Unknown Packet”Unrecognized TFTP packet.
“TFTP Out of Sequence”An out of sequence packet was received.
“TFTP Too Big Packet”The packet received by TFTP is too big.
“TFTP No Socket”TFTP process could not obtain sockets.
“TFTP No Input”No input for TFTP.
“Error in SNMP Trap”Trap response from CLIP reported an error.
“TCPIP Bind Error”Error encountered while binding to a TCP/IP socket.
“Timeout on TCPIP Bind”Timeout while binding to TCP/IP socket.
“TCPIP version unknown”TCPIP version unknown.
“TCPIP Socket Error”TCP/IP socket error.
“PATH Stopped”The path is stopped.
“PATH Not Configured”The path is not configured.
“No Timers”Could not allocate a timer from Timer list entry (TLE).
“No Memory”No memory is available.
“Timeout on TCPIP Socket”Timeout on TCP/IP socket.
“Bad SNMP Struct”SNMP data received has invalid format.
“SNMP Memory Shortage”Not enough memory to store the SNMP message.
“DCT Not Found”No entry for the TCP/IP process corresponding to the current path.

Cause  This is an informative message. It is issued whenever an add task command or a status task command is issued either from SCF, OSM, or TSM. This message indicates the outcome of these commands (successful or failure).

Effect  The add task helps in downloading the diagnostic task and DLC tasks running in a CLIP. This message has no effect on the CLIP.

Recovery  If the add and status tasks return “successful,” no action is necessary. If the tasks return “failure,” take necessary steps as recommended by the message returned. The message returned can be one of the following:

Message textExplanation
“No timers”Could not allocate a timer list entry (TLE).
“No Memory”No memory available.
“Bad WriteRead”WRITEREAD request is invalid.
“Bad FileName”Filename has invalid format.
“Bad SNMP struct”SNMP data received has invalid format.
“No Path found”Neither path to the CLIP could be accessed
“Timeout”No SNMP response from the CLIP for 5 seconds.
“Internal Error”Programming error in CONMgr process.


WANSD: Socket connected, SWAN concentrator TRACKID configuration-track-id, IP address ip-address, CLIP clip-number, LINE line-number on CPU cpu-num via TCPIP tcpip-name using socket-type designated PATH path-name


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the IP address in hexadecimal notation.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the WAN line number.


identifies the processor number.


identifies the NonStop TCP/IP process name.


identifies the NonStop TCP/IP socket type. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“TCP/IP via QIO”Accessing NonStop TCP/IP from the same processor.
“TCP/IP via Msg Sys”Accessing NonStop TCP/IP from a different processor.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name.

Cause  This is an informational message. The WAN shared driver has successfully connected to the data link control (DLC) task in the SWAN concentrator. A new socket connection was requested by the IOP and was established.

Effect  The IOP can start WAN traffic on the WAN line.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANSD: Cannot connect socket, SWAN concentrator TRACKID configuration-track-id, IP Address ip-address, CLIP clip-number, LINE line-number on CPU cpu-num via TCPIP tcpip-name using socket-type designated PATH path-name Error code : #socket-error


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the IP address in hexadecimal notation.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the WAN line number.


identifies the processor number.


identifies the NonStop TCP/IP process name.


identifies the NonStop TCP/IP socket type. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“TCP/IP via QIO”Accessing NonStop TCP/IP from the same processor.
“TCP/IP via Msg Sys”Accessing NonStop TCP/IP from a different processor.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name.


identifies the socket error code. These are file-system errors. File-system errors are described in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual. You can also display the message text of a file-system error by typing, at the TACL prompt, the word “error” followed by the error number. To display file-system error information, enter “error -1.”

Cause  This is a major error message. The WAN shared driver has failed to connect to the data link control (DLC) task in the SWAN concentrator. A new socket connection was requested by the IOP but failed and a connection was not established.

Effect  The IOP cannot start WAN traffic on the WAN line.

Recovery  The socket error reported in socket-error must be analyzed and corrected.


WANSD: RECV failed on socket, SWAN concentrator TRACKID configuration-track-id, IP Address ip-address, CLIP clip-number, LINE line-number on CPU cpu-num via TCPIP tcpip-name using socket-type designated PATH path-name, Connect connection-status Socket error code: socket-error


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the IP address in hexadecimal notation.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the WAN line number.


identifies the processor number.


identifies the NonStop TCP/IP process name.


identifies the NonStop TCP/IP socket type. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“TCP/IP via QIO”Accessing NonStop TCP/IP from the same processor.
“TCP/IP via Msg Sys”Accessing NonStop TCP/IP from a different processor.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name.


identifies the socket connection status. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“unknown”The socket connection state is unknown.
“continued”The socket connection state did not change.
“lost”The socket connection was lost.


identifies the socket error code. These are file-system errors. File-system errors are described in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual.

If you receive file-system error 179 two additional strings are shown. A message explaining the step where the socket failed and the values of parameters which caused the error.

You can also display the message text of a file-system error by typing, at the TACL prompt, the word “error” followed by the error number. To display file-system error information, enter “error -1.”

Cause  This is a major error message. The WAN shared driver failed on a socket receive operation because the NonStop TCP/IP process detected an error on the socket connection.

Effect  The socket connection is lost.

Recovery  The socket error reported in socket-error must be analyzed and corrected. If the message displayed is file-system error 179 there may be a problem handling data frames or a corrupted data frame was received. To resolve this problem, contact your service provider with the EMS message.


WANSD: SEND failed on socket, SWAN concentrator TRACKID configuration-track-id, IP Address ip-address, CLIP clip-number, LINE line-number on CPU cpu-num via TCPIP tcpip-name designated PATH path-name, Connect FFFFSocket error code: socket-error


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the IP address in hexadecimal notation.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the WAN line number.


identifies the processor number.


identifies the NonStop TCP/IP process name.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name.


identifies the socket connection status. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“unknown”The socket connection state is unknown.
“continued”The socket connection state did not change.
“lost”The socket connection was lost.


identifies the socket error code. These are file-system errors. File-system errors are described in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual. You can also display the message text of a file-system error by typing, at the TACL prompt, the word “error” followed by the error number. To display file-system error information, enter “error -1.”

Cause  This is a major error message. The WAN shared driver failed on a socket send operation because the NonStop TCP/IP process detected an error on the socket connection.

Effect  The status of the socket connection is described in connection-status.

Recovery  The socket error reported in socket-error must be analyzed and corrected.


WANSD: INITIALIZE failed while initialization-error, Initialize error code: error-number


identifies the initialization error code, which identifies the reason for the shutdown. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“Decoding Parameters'Could not decode WANSD_INITIALIZE procedure call parameters.
“Locating Assigned LDEVs”All of the LDEVs of a multiline IOP could not be found in DCT.
“Allocating CB Memory”Not enough memory in pool passed from IOP.
“Selecting Config Record”Could not get configuration from the WAN manager process.
“Initializing QIO Segment”Failed accessing QIO memory segment.


identifies the initialization file-system error code. File-system errors are described in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual.

If you receive file-system error 179 two additional strings are shown. A message explaining the step where the initialization failed and the values of parameters which caused the error.

You can also display the message text of a file-system error by typing, at the TACL prompt, the word “error” followed by the error number. To display file-system error information, enter “error -1.”

Cause  This is a major error message. The WAN shared driver failed during initialization because of the error reported in error-number.

Effect  The WAN Shared Driver is not initialized and the WAN Shared Driver cannot be used. The IOP that the WAN shared driver is bound with stops running.

Recovery  The initialization error reason reported in the message must be analyzed and corrected. If the message displayed is file-system error 179 there may be a problem reading the database. To resolve this problem, contact your service provider with the EMS message.


WANSD: Warning - May be mismatch between IOP and Profile [WANSD msgl] [WANSD msg2] [WANSD msg3]

WANSD msg1

Profile version xx offset xx.

WANSD msg2/3

Reserve for future use.

Cause  This is an informational message. When serving a START DEVICE request WAN Shared Driver checks the integrity of the existing PROFILE and the IOPOBJECT specified.

Effect  If the specified PROFILE is not supported by IOPOBJECT (that is, if the version between these two object does not match), WAN Shared Driver will generate a warning event.

Recovery  The DEVICE needs to be deleted and re-added with the correct PROFILE and IOPOBJECT combination.


WANBoot: WANMgr could not be OPENed for process-obj-spec, File system error file-system-error from procedure error-number, file file-name, file role file-system-io-error


identifies that the WAN manager process is the subject of this operator message and is in the format ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZWAN.


identifies a file-system error. File-system errors are described in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual. You can also display the message text of a file-system error by typing, at the TACL prompt, the word “error” followed by the error number. To display file-system error information, enter “error -1.”


contains the identification code of the procedure involved in the error.


identifies the name of the file that was being accessed when the error occurred.


This is a standard data communications event indicating a file-system error in response to an I/O request. file-system-io-error contains one of the following values:

Message TextExplanation
“Configuration”Configuration database access.
“ConMgr Access”Access to the concentrator manager (ConMgr) process.
“WANMgr Access”Access to the WAN manager process.
“TCP/IP BOOTP Server Access”Access to the BOOTP server port of a NonStop TCP/IP process.
“TCP/IP BOOTP Client Access”Access to the BOOTP client port of a NonStop TCP/IP process.
“PROCESS Access”Access to a PROCESS to issue a STARTUP message.
“RECV DUMP socket”Access to the DUMP socket of a NonStop TCP/IP process.
“DUMP disk file”Access to a DUMP file of a NonStop TCP/IP process.
“status probe socket”Access to the status probe socket for latent failure detection.

Cause  This is an informational message. The WANBoot process failed on a file open procedure to the WAN manager process because the WAN manager process was not accessible.

Effect  The WANBoot process and/or the WAN manager processes have terminated. No information about the WAN manager process configuration database record is available.

Recovery  The WAN manager process must be started. When the WAN manager process restarts, it will in turn restart the WANBoot process if it is also failed.


WANBoot: TCPIP name not specified for process-obj-spec


identifies that a PROCESS object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format ABORT PROCESS $ZZWAN.#process-name.

Cause  This is a major error message. The ADD PROCESS command for the WANBoot process did not specify a NonStop TCP/IP process name in the STARTUP attribute.

Effect  The WANBoot process stops running and the SWAN concentrator cannot obtain its configuration information.

Recovery  Reissue the ADD PROCESS command for the WANBoot process with a valid NonStop TCP/IP process name specified in the STARTUP attribute.


WANBoot: BOOTP received for adapter-obj-spec TRACKID configuration-track-id, CLIP clip-number, IP Address ip-address, PATH path-name [VPROC: vproc-string] [BootP Count: bootp-count] [boot-action]


identifies that an ADAPTER object is the subject of this operator message. It is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the IP address.


identifies the PATH name for the received BOOTP request.


identifies the VPROC string for the KERNELCODE currently executing in the specified CLIP.


identifies the nth BOOTP request.


identifies any further action that will occur as a result of receiving the BOOTP request. The action will be one of the following values:

Message TextExplanation
“Firmware matches file configured”The SWAN concentrator Kernel version in FLASH memory is the same as in the KERNELCODE file.
“BOOTP on PATH B”BOOTP received only on PATH B.
“Firmware filename not configured”KERNELCODE not configured on ADAPTER object.
“Firmware file not found”Configured KERNELCODE not found on disk.
“Firmware file inaccessible or bad format”KERNELCODE file is not of type 510 or has bad data.
“SERVER is busy”A firmup or BOOTP exchange is already active.
“SERVER in started state”A firmware update is needed but cannot be initiated unless the SERVER object is in the STOPPED state.
“WANBoot memory Shortage”The WANBoot process failed to allocate memory space.
“WARNING: Firmware version mismatch. Firmup to resolve”The SWAN concentrator Kernel version in FLASH memory differs from the KERNELCODE file. To resolve, firmup the CLIP.
WARNING: post code outdatedPOST code is outdated. To resolve, firmup the CLIP.
“Firmware file not found and POST code outdated. Fix and Firmup to resolve”Configured KERNELCODE not found. POST code outdated. To resolve, firmup the CLIP.
“Firmware file not found and POST. Code outdated. Fix and Firmup to resolve.”POST code outdated. To resolve, firmup the CLIP.
“Dump in progress”Initiates DUMP process.
“Firmup in progress”Initiates firmup process.
“WARNING: Firmware & version mismatch POST code outdated. Firmup to resolve”The SWAN concentrator Kernel version in FLASH memory differs from the KERNELCODE file. And, POST code is outdated. To resolve, firmup the CLIP.
“WARNING: BOOTP received from unknown CLIP. SWAN; not REPLIED”BOOTP request received for a CLIP that is not configured on the host machine.
“Config problem detected”The SWAN/SWAN2 concentrator Kernel found some problem related to configuration that causes it not to get an IP address from WANBoot.


identifies any further action that will occur as a result of receiving the BOOTP request. The action will be one of the following values:

Message textExplanation
“Firmware matches file configured”The SWAN concentrator Kernel version in FLASH memory is the same as in the KERNELCODE file.
“Firmware Updates not initiated for PATH”Firmware updates are only initiated on PATH A.
“Firmware Filename not configured”KERNELCODE not configured on ADAPTER object.
“Firmware File not found”Configured KERNELCODE not found on disk.
“Firmware File inaccessible or bad format”KERNELCODE file is not type 510 or has bad data.
“SERVER is busy”A firmup or BOOTP exchange is already active.
“SERVER in started state”A firmware update is needed but cannot be initiated unless the SERVER object is in the STOPPED state.
“WANBoot Memory Shortage”The WANBoot process failed to allocate memory space.
“Firmware Update Initiated”A firmware update is needed and is already started.

Cause  This is an informational message. The WANBoot process successfully sent a BOOTP reply back to the BOOTP client in the specified CLIP on the specified SWAN concentrator. This occurred because the SWAN concentrator was powered on, or the power on self test (POST) was executed on the CLIP, or a software failure caused the CLIP to restart its Kernel code (the firmware object code of the microcode file that runs in the essential part of the CLIP FLASH memory).

Effect  The SWAN concentrator has successfully established its configuration parameters. A firmup may have been initiated.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANBoot:WANMgr Select, TRACKID configuration-track-id, CLIP clip-number, PATH path-name [Reason: reason-msg] [Error: file-system error]


identifies that an ADAPTER object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format ??.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the PATH name for the received BOOTP request.


identifies the reason for this error as follows:

Message textExplanation
“Error in WANMgr Read”Internal error in communicating to WANMgr.


identifies a file-system error. File-system errors are described in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual. You can also display the message text of a file-system error by typing, at the TACL prompt, the word “error” followed by the error number. To display file-system error information, enter “error -1.”

Cause  This is an error message. The WAN manager process failed to return the configuration record for the specified WANBoot process. The WAN manager process cannot be accessed from the WANBoot process to select configuration database information. The WAN manager process may have stopped running.

Effect  No BOOTP reply will be sent to the CLIP issuing the BOOTP request.

Recovery  Restart the WAN manager process, or correct the problem when the WAN manager process may have while accessing the configuration database information.


WANBoot:BOOTP failed for adapter-obj-spec, TRACKID configuration-track-id, CLIP clip-number, IP Address ip-address, PATH path-name [Reason: reason-msg] [Error: file-system error]


identifies that an ADAPTER object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the IP address.


identifies the PATH name for the received BOOTP request.


identifies the reason for this error as follows:

Message textExplanation
“No Memory”Memory is not available.
“TCPIP Process Down”TCPIP process does not exist on the system.
“TCPIP-CLIP unreachable”No route to host configured.
“TCPIP-Network Unreachable”Network is unreachable.
“TCPIP Process ErrorTCP/IP-related socket errors


identifies a file-system error. Applicable only if reason-msg is “TCPIP Process Error”. File-system errors are described in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual. You can also display the message text of a file-system error by typing, at the TACL prompt, the word “error” followed by the error number. To display file-system error information, enter “error -1.”

Message textExplanation
socket error numberTODO.

Cause  This is a major error message. The WANBoot could not reply successfully to a BOOTP request received from a SWAN concentrator CLIP. This may be because the ADAPTER, SERVER, or PATH object was not configured, or because NonStop TCP/IP process access to the ADAPTER failed.

Effect  The SWAN concentrator CLIP will not be accessible from the system.

Recovery  Either configure the ADAPTER, SERVER, or PATH correctly, or correct the problem with the NonStop TCP/IP process or with the ServerNet LAN Systems Access (SLSA) subsystem.


WANBoot: BOOTP request successful for adapter-obj-spec, TRACKID configuration-track-id, CLIP F, IP Address ip-address, PATH path-name


identifies that a ADAPTER object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the IP address.


identifies the PATH name for the received BOOTP request.

Cause  This is an informational message.The WANBoot process successfully sent a BOOTP request message to the specified SWAN concentrator and received the expected BOOTP reply. The SOCKET used access to the NonStop TCP/IP process has been restarted, or an ADAPTER, or a PATH configuration has been ADDED or ALTERed.

Effect  The PATH configuration has been re-synchronized.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANBoot: BOOTP request failed for adapter-obj-spec, CLIP clip-number, TRACKID configuration-track-id, IP Address ip-address, PATH path-name [Reason : reason-msg Error : error-number]


identifies that an ADAPTER object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the IP address.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name where the BOOTP request was issued.


identifies the reason for this error as follows:

Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Down”TCPIP process does not exist on the system.
“TCPIP - CLIP unreachable”No route to host configured.
“TCPIP - Network down”Network is unreachable.
“Bad Format”The request message format is invalid.
“No BOOTP request from CLIP”No BOOTP request from CLIP.
“Neither TCPIPs match”The TCPIP to which WANBoot is configured does not match the preferred and alternate TCPIP of the adapter.

Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP-related errors.

Cause  This is a warning message. The WANBoot process failed to send a BOOTP request message to the specified SWAN concentrator. Failure to exchange BOOTP requests may be caused by the SWAN concentrator being powered off or not connected to the configured Ethernet segment. It may also be caused by the NonStop TCP/IP process or the ServerNet LAN Systems Access (SLSA) LIF object not being accessible.

Effect  The CLIP will not be accessible using the specified PATH. OSM or TSM cannot perform a LOAD request.

Recovery  Correct the problem identified by the file-system error. Recovery timers will bring the path into use if necessary.


WANBoot: FIRMUP successful for task-obj-spec TRACKID configuration-track-id, CLIP clip-number, IP Address ip-address, PATH path-name, using file swan-kernel-micode-file-name


identifies that a TASK object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.clip-num.dlc-task.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the IP address.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name on which the FIRMUP procedure was performed.


identifies the disk file that contains the KERNELCODE used for the firmup operation.

Cause  This is an informational message. The WANBoot successfully performed a FIRMUP to the SWAN concentrator. The firmware in the SWAN concentrator was out of date and required updating.

Effect  The SWAN concentrator firmware was updated.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANBoot: FIRMUP failed for task-obj-spec TRACKID configuration-track-id, using file swan-kernel-micode-file-name Status : FAILED Step : step-number [PATH A : path-message [Error : path-error]] [PATH B : path-message [Error : path-error]] [Reason : reason-message [Error : error-number]] [Recovery : error-recovery] [Component : component-name]


identifies that a TASK object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.clip-num.dlc-task.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the disk file that contains the KERNELCODE used for the firmup operation.

1. Initial BOOTP (step-number):
Message TextExplanation
“Neither TCPIPs match”The adapter’s TCP/IP does not match the TCPIP that WANBoot is binding to.
“Bad Format”No BOOTP response from the CLIP.
“No Memory”Failure of allocation of memory.
“Bad Program FileName”Firmware filename is not proper.
“Bad Command”Command issued by WANMGR is not proper.


File system errors.

Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP access error.

Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP-related errors.

2. WANMgr Access (step-number)

WANBoot fails to access WAN Manager.

Message TextExplanation
Device DownWANMgr thread not started by WANBoot (internal error).

3. Initial ADD TASK, reason-message
Message TextExplanation
“Error in WANMgr SPI Interface”No response tokens from the SPI call.
“Internal error”WANMgr is non-existent.


Procedure-specific errors.

4. FIRMUP task SOCKET Connect (step-number), path-message
Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP access error. WANBoot issues this when 1) socket creation fails 2) binding to port fails.
“TCPIP - CLIP Unreachable”No route to host.
“TCPIP - Network Unreachable”Network unreachable.

Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Errors”TCP/IP-related errors.

5. SENDTO for FIRMUP (step-number)

This message is issued when a socket write to CLIP fails.

Message TextExplanation
TCP/IP Process ErrorTCP/IP access error.

Message TextExplanation
TCP/IP ErrorTCP/IP error numbers.

6. RECVFROM for FIRMUP (step-number)

This message is issued by WANBoot when one of the following occurs:

  • The socket read from CLIP fails

  • The Read count is less than what is expected

  • The Firmup status from CLIP is bad

Message TextExplanation
TCP/IP Process ErrorTCP/IP access error.

Message TextExplanation
TCP/IP process Error Internal errorsTCP/IP access error; bad count; improper reply.

7. UP response (step-number)

This message is issued by WANBoot when Firmup response from CLIP is bad.

Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP access error.

Message TextExplanation
Internal ErrorInvalid state.

8. SENDTO for END (step number)

This message is issued when a socket write to CLIP fails.

Message TextExplanation
TCP/IP process ErrorTCP/IP access error.

Message TextExplanation
TCPIP errorTCPIP error numbers.

9. RECVFROM for END (step-number), path-message
Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP access error. WANBoot issues this when one of the following occurs:
  • Socket write fails.

  • Socket read fails.

  • Read count is less (readcount would not be less than 4. This is actually the length of a structure in bytes. This structure helps in validating the response from CLIP during the process of firmware update).

  • CLIP does not send an acknowledgement.

Message TextExplanation
“File system errors”Bad count or improper reply.

10. Final BOOTP (step-number), path-method
Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Error”“No BOOTP request from CLIP”TCP/IP access error.No BOOTP request from CLIP.

Cause  This is a major error message. The WANBoot process failed to perform a firmup to the SWAN concentrator. The firmware in the SWAN concentrator is out of date and requires updating.

Effect  The SWAN concentrator firmware was not updated.

Recovery  Correct the problem identified by the file-system error. Recovery timers will bring the path into use if necessary


WANBoot: BOOTP received on wrong PATH for TRACKID configuration-track-id, CLIP clip-number, IP Address ip-address, PATH path-name


identifies that a TASK object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.clip-num.dlc-task.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the IP address.


identifies the Ethernet PATH name for the received BOOTP request.

Cause  This is a warning message. The WANBoot process received a BOOTP request from a PATH that is not configured on the NonStop TCP/IP process assigned to the specified WANBoot process. This could have occurred because of the following causes:

  • The Ethernet cables on the SWAN concentrator are reversed.

  • Both PATHs to the SWAN concentrator are connected to the same Ethernet segment. In this case, a different WANBoot process issues the WAN subsystem operator message 1502.

Effect  If the SWAN concentrator Ethernet cables are reversed, the SWAN concentrator is unusable. If the SWAN concentrator Ethernet ports are connected to the same Ethernet segment, the SWAN concentrator is still usable, but performance may be degraded, and a problem with the one Ethernet segment can cause both paths to the SWAN concentrator to be unusable.

Recovery  If the SWAN concentrator Ethernet ports are connected to the same Ethernet segment, reverse the cables. If the SWAN concentrator Ethernet ports are connected to the same Ethernet segment, connect them to different Ethernet segments.


WANBoot : Could not access TCPIP tcpip-name, [Reason : reason-message] [Error : error-number]


identifies the name of the TCP/IP process for the failed PATH.

Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Error”TCPIP access error.WANBoot issues this when one of the following occurs:
  • Socket read fails.

  • Socket creation fails.

  • Set socket fails.

  • Bind to a specific port fails.

  • TCPIP process is down.

  • Connect request accept fails from the adapter side.

“TCPIP - CLIP Unreachable”No route to host.
“TCPIP - Network Unreachable”Network unreachable.

Message TextExplanation
“TCPIP Process Error”TCP/IP-related errors.

Cause  This is a major error message. The WANBoot process encountered a configuration or system error when attempting to create a socket to access its configured NonStop TCP/IP process.

Effect  The specified NonStop TCP/IP process cannot be accessed from the specified WANBoot process.

Recovery  The error reason reported in the message must be analyzed and corrected.


WANBoot: DUMP received for adapter-obj-spec, TRACKID configuration-track-id, CLIP clip-number, IP Address ip-address, PATH path-name, using file disk-file-name


identifies that an ADAPTER object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the IP address.


identifies the PATH name on which the DUMP was received.


identifies the file name where the received dump image was saved.

Cause  This is a major error message. The WANBoot successfully received a dump image from the specified CLIP. The firmware in the SWAN concentrator failed and a dump image was sent to the server and saved in the file indicated in disk-file-name.

Effect  The SWAN concentrator firmware image is archived for diagnosis.

Recovery  No recovery action is required. If necessary, the SWAN concentrator KERNELCODE will restart automatically.


WANBoot: Dump failed for adapter-obj-spec, TRACKID configuration-track-id, CLIP clip-number, IP Address ip-address, PATH path-name, using file disk-file-name


identifies that an ADAPTER object is the subject of this operator message. Is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the IP address.


identifies the PATH name on which the DUMP was to be received.


identifies the disk file to which the dump image was to be written.

Cause  This is a major error message. The WANBoot process was unable to receive a dump image from the specified CLIP. The firmware in the SWAN concentrator failed, however the dump image could not be sent to the host. If file-system-error reports a value of -1, or if file-name and error-number report a socket create error -1, then the WANBoot process might not have a running NonStop TCP/IP process.

Effect  The SWAN concentrator firmware dump image is lost.

Recovery  If file-system-error reports a value of -1, or if file-name and error-number report a socket create error -1, make sure that the WANBoot process has a running NonStop TCP/IP process. For all other errors, no recovery action is required. If necessary, the SWAN concentrator KERNELCODE will restart automatically. The dump image can be made available only by correcting the problem reported, and then reproducing the failure in the CLIP so the dump can be taken again.


WANBoot: PATH path-name UP for adapter, CLIP clip-number, TRACKID configuration-track-id, IP Address ip-address Path Down Since : path-down-time Path UP Since : path-up-time


identifies the PATH name for the received BOOTP request.


identifies that an ADAPTER object is the subject of this operator message. It is in the format $ZZWAN.#conc-name.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the SWAN/SWAN2 concentrator track-ID.


identifies the IP address.


identifies the time since the path went down.


identifies the time since the path went up.


identifies the problem. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
“No warnings”A valid SNMP response was received from the CLIP SNMP task.
“WARNING: TFTP IP Address mismatch”Another system is controlling the CLIP PATH.
“WARNING: SOURCE IP Address mismatch”The IP address on the CLIP is incorrect.
“WARNING: SNMP response invalid”The CLIP is using an obsolete SNMP task.

Cause  This is an informational message. The WANBoot was able to successfully exchange a status probe on the specified CLIP PATH. Prior to exchanging the status probe, the CLIP PATH had been inaccessible. The CLIP PATH was restored to service either by powering on the SWAN concentrator, connecting the SWAN concentrator to the configured Ethernet segment, or by starting the NonStop TCP/IP process and SUBNET object and the associated ServerNet LAN Systems Access (SLSA) subsystem LIF object.

Effect  The PATH can now be used to access a LINE on the SWAN concentrator CLIP.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANBoot: PATH path-name DOWN for adapter-obj-spec, CLIP clip-number, TRACKID configuration-track-id, IP Address ip-address, PATH Down since: path-down-time [Warning : warn-msg]


identifies the PATH name for the PATH that failed.


identifies that an ADAPTER object is the subject of this operator message. It is in the following format: $ZZWAN.#conc-name.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the SWAN/SWAN2 concentrator track-ID.


identifies the time since the PATH is DOWN.

Cause  This is a major error message. The WANBoot process is no longer able to exchange status probe messages with the specified CLIP PATH. Failure to exchange status probe messages may be caused by the SWAN concentrator being powered off or not connected to the configured Ethernet segment. The problem may also be caused by the NonStop TCP/IP process or by the ServerNet LAN Systems Access (SLSA) LIF object not being accessible.

Effect  The specified PATH cannot be used to access lines on the CLIP. If the other PATH to the CLIP is also not available, the CLIP will be inaccessible.

Recovery  Correct the problem identified by the file-system error. Recovery timers will bring the path into use if necessary.


WANboot: FIRMUP status for task-obj-spec, TRACKID configuration-track-id, using file swan-kernel-micode-file-name Status: Warning Step: step-number [Path A: path-msg [Error: error-number]] [Path B: path-msg [Error: error-number]] Recovery: error-recovery]


identifies that a TASK object is the subject of this operator message and is in the following format:


identifies the configuration-track-id. It is in the form ZZWAN.#conc-name.clip-num.dlc-task.


identifies the disk file that contains the KERNELCODE used for the firmup operation.


identifies the step in the firmup sequence that failed. The possible values are:

0Initial BOOTP.


identifies the recovery mechanism to be taken up. The possible values are:

1Auto-retrying on other PATH.

Cause  This is a warning message. The WANBoot process failed to perform a firmup on the specified path of the SWAN concentrator after the initial BOOTP.

Effect  The SWAN concentrator firmware was not updated from the specified path.

Recovery  No recovery action is needed. WANBoot will automatically retry on the other path.


SWAN: General Message from subject-name : msg-text


identifies the name of the object that is the subject of this event.


identifies the message text. The message is:

Message TextExplanation
“SPI error in communicating with TCPIP process”WANBoot is unable to communicate with the TCP/IP process due to an SPI error.

Cause  This general purpose event provides informational messages.

Effect  This event has no effect.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANMgr: File System error occured on process-obj-spec FS Error No : error-number


identifies that a PROCESS object is the subject of this operator message and has the following format:


identifies the file-system error number. File-system errors are described in the Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual. You can also display the message text of a file-system error by typing the word “error” followed by the error number at the TACL prompt. To display file-system error information, enter “error -1.”

Cause  This is a dummy event.

Effect  This event has no effect.

Recovery  No recovery action is required.


WANBoot: Firmup Progress for task-obj-spec, TRACKID configuration-track-id, CLIP clip-number, Progress progress% complete


identifies that a TASK object is the subject of this operator message and has the following format:


identifies the configuration track id and has the following format:


identifies the CLIP number.


percent of FIRMUP completed.

Cause  The status of firmup progress will be made available to the user at the place of initiation of FIRMUP (OSM/TSM). The status will include the percentage of work completed.


WANMgr: Process configuration Error PROCESS process-obj-spec at STEP step-number, STATUS status, HOSTIP ip-address, ERROR msg


identifies that a PROCESS object is the subject of this operator message. It has the following format:


identifies the step in which the process configuration failed. The possible values are:

0Read CONFIG file.
1ADD Process.
2ALTER Process.
3START Process.


identifies whether the configuration is an ERROR or WARNING.


identifies the IP address.


The possible errors are:

0WANBoot/TFTP process configured without HOSTIP.
1No Adapters configured for the given HOSTIP.
2Another PROCESS configured for the given HOSTIP.
3SNMP TMUX process configured without HOST/TCPIP.
4HOSTIP already bound to different TCPIP.

Cause  During WANMgr startup, or when a PROCESS is added, WANMgr checks for the integrity of the process’s HOSTIP and TCPIP attributes.

Effect  Occurs if a WANBoot /TFTP/SNMPTMUX process is misconfigured. The possible errors are:

  • WANBoot/TFTP Process configured without HOSTIP (warning).

  • No adapters configured for the given HOSTIP (error).

  • Another process configured for the given HOSTIP (error).

  • SNMPTMUX process configured without HOSTIP/TCPIP (warning).

  • HOSTIP already bound to different TCPIP (error).


WANMgr: Adapter configuration Error Adapter adapter-obj-spec at STEP step-number, ERROR msg


Indicates that an adapter object is the subject of this operator message. It is in the following form:


identifies the step in which the adapter configuration failed. The possible values are:

0Read CONFIG file.
1Add adapter.
2Alter adapter.
3Start adapter.
4Start device.


identifies the error message number. Possible values are:

0Preferred HOSTIP mismatches with TCPIP.
1Alternate HOSTIP mismatches with TCPIP.
2Adapter TYPE invalid.

Cause  During WANMgr startup, or when an adapter is added, WANMgr checks for the integrity of the adapter’s HOSTIP and TCP/IP attributes.

Effect  During WANMgr startup, when HOSTIP/TCPIP combination mismatches for an adapter, the same adapter’s TYPE still be made invalid. Subsequently, ACTIVATE PATH and STATUS TASK requests will never succeed in this adapter. When an adapter is added, the following errors can be generated:

  • Preferred HOSTIP mismatches with TCP/IP

  • Alternate HOSTIP mismatches with TCP/IP

Recovery  To make an adapter’s TYPE valid, delete and re-add the adapter.


ConMgr: H/W Status for TRACKID configuration-track-id, conc-name.clip-number Successful/Failed Component: component-name Error: error-number Recovery: error-recovery


identifies the SWAN concentrator track-ID.


identifies the SWAN concentrator name.


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the component that may have caused the error. The possible messages are:

Message TextExplanation
“CLIP Kernel”Identifies the Kernel running in the CLIP.
“WANMgr”Identifies the WANMgr process.
“SNMP Agent”Identifies the SNMP agent task in the CLIP.
“TCP/IP system processor”Identifies the TCP/IP process running in the system processor.
“IOPRM”Identifies any type of operating message-related failure.


identifies the reason for the failure if it is non-zero. The possible messages are:

Message TextExplanation
“No Timers”Could not allocate a time list entry (TLE).
“No Memory”No memory available.
“Bad WriteRead”WRITE/READ request invalid.
“Bad FileName”File name has invalid format.
“Bad SNMP Struct”SNMP data received has invalid format.
“No PATH Found”Neither path to the CLIP could be accessed.
“Timeout”No SNMP response was received from the CLIP for 5 seconds.
“Internal Error”Programming error in the concentrator manager (ConMgr) process.
“Not supported”Command not supported.
“Error in WanMgr Read”WRITE/READ request to WANMgr failed.
“Adapter TYPE invalid”Adapter’s preferred/alternate HOSTIP mismatches with preferred/alternate TCPIP respectively.
“Bad Parameter”Parameter to the command is invalid.
“Adapter configured with wrong TYPE”SWAN 2 concentrator misconfigured as SWAN concentrator or vice-versa.
“Invalid Value”ConMgr received an unexpected value.
“TCPIP - CLIP Unreachable”No route to the host configured.
“TCPIP - Network Unreachable”Network is unreachable.
“TCPIP Process Error”TCPIP process-related errors.
“Bad Command”Command is invalid.
“Encode SNMP Error”Error encountered while encoding SNMP packet.
“SNMP Memory Shortage”No memory available to receive SNMP packet.


identifies the recommended recovery actions. The possible values are:

Message TextExplanation
Retry after a long delayA failure not likely to be corrected. Retry in 10-30 seconds.
NoneNo possible recovery.

Cause  This is an informational message. The concentrator manager (ConMgr) process received a hardware status request from WANMgr. The WANMgr is trying to get the status of the hardware components of the SWAN concentrator.

Effect  If the request is successful ConMgr obtains the status of the hardware components from the CLIP and returns the name to WANMgr.

Recovery  If the request is successful no action is necessary. If the download is not successful, take the necessary steps as defined by error-recovery described under error-recovery (above).


WANBoot : BOOTP request failed for adapter-obj-spec TRACKID : configuration-track-id Clip : clip-number Path : path-name Reason : Conf. and Det. TYPE of the adapter mismatches Configured TYPE : conf-type Detected TYPE : det-type


identifies that an ADAPTER object is the subject of this operator message. The format is:


identifies the CLIP number.


identifies the PATH name for the received BOOTP request.


Is the configured TYPE of the adapter.


Is the REAL type of the adapter.

Cause  WANBoot received a BOOTP request from the CLIP. WANBoot checks whether the adapter’s real TYPE matches the configured TYPE.

Effect  If the adapter’s real TYPE does not match the adapter’s configured TYPE, WANBoot generates this error event.

Recovery  Delete the adapter and re-add it with the proper TYPE.


ConMgr: Improper Download File disk-file-name Error : error-number [Warning: TASK file improper for conc-name.clip-number] [Warning: DLC file improper for iop-name]


identifies the disk file to which the dump image was to be written.


identifies the file-system error.


identifies the SWAN or SWAN 2 concentrator.


identifies the communications line interface processor (CLIP) number.


identifies the device name of the input/output process (IOP).

Cause  This is an informational message. The ConMgr process received an ADD TASK or ACTIVATE PATH request. ConMgr is checking the validity of the PROGRAM file to be downloaded to the CLIP.

Effect  If the specified PROGRAM file is valid, ConMgr downloads the file to the CLIP; if the PROGRAM is invalid, ConMgr attempts to get the file from the given location. If this action also fails, ConMgr cancels the request.

Recovery  If the request is successful, no action is required. If the request failed, retry the request by specifying the proper PROGRAM file.


WANMgr: Warning: Process configuration changed Process: process-obj-spec Step: step-number Reason: reason-msg [Autoconfigured on primary CPU preferred-cpu and backup CPU alternate-CPU]


identifies that a PROCESS object is the subject of this operator message and has the following format: $ZZKRN.#proc-name.


identifies the step in which the process configuration failed. The value is:



identifies the reason for the failure. The possible values are:

5Primary/backup CPU is Down.
6TCP/IP Process is Down. Cannot find primary/backup CPU.


identifies the preferred CPU number after changing the configuration.


identifies the alternative CPU number after changing the configuration.

Cause  This is a warning message which indicates that the auto-configured Primary and Backup CPU values for the PROCESS object have been changed, and the object will be started with the new values. See the reason-msg for the reason for the change in the auto-configured parameters for a PROCESS.

Effect  The auto-configured process is added and started with the new values.

Recovery  No recovery action is required since the process is autoconfigured using the changed values.


WANMgr: CONFIG file locked by the process process-obj-spec Process ID : process-id Prg. Fname : file-name


identifies that a PROCESS object is the subject of this operator message and has the following format: $ZZKRN.#proc-name.


indicates the ID of the process that has currently locked the configuration file.


identifies the program file name of the process.

Cause  This is a severe error message caused by the malfunction of another subsystem manager process. An error occurred when the WAN manager process attempted to access the configuration database record and found the configuration file locked by the process-obj-spec for more than five seconds.

Effect  The WAN manager process cannot complete the database operation. This EMS message occurs along with EMS message 11 (see this message for details about the procedure that failed).

Recovery  Check the status of the process that has locked the configuration file and correct it. Repeat the operation that resulted in this message.