Operator Messages Manual

Chapter 5 ATM Messages

The messages in this chapter are generated by the ATM subsystem. The subsystem ID displayed by these messages includes ATM as the subsystem name.


00100 ATM: Guardian Procedure Call Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Procedure: procedure name, Error: error [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical Warning

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.

procedure name

specifies the name of the called procedure that returned the error.


specifies the returned error code.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error related to calling a Guardian library procedure.

Effect  The operation or request being processed is terminated with an error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


00101 ATM: New Exception subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Class: class [, Name: name] [, Size: size] [, heap Used: heap used, Heap Free: heap free] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.


specifies the name of the C++ class.


specifies the instance name of the C++ class.


specifies the size being allocated.

heap used

specifies the current used heap size.

heap free

specifies the current free heap size.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process was unable to allocate memory for the C++ new operation.

Effect  The operation or request being processed is terminated with an error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


00102 ATM: File Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Text: text, Error: error [, Seek Addr: seek Address] [, I/O Size: I/O size] [, EOF Addr: eof address] [, Blk Cnt: block count, Next Blk Addr: next block address] [, Rec Size: record size, Max Rec Size: max record size] [, Dir File Addr: directory address, Dir End Addr: directory end address] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event. The possible values are:

Download-File-Inuse Dump-File-Inuse Firmware-File-Inuse


provides additional information about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

seek address

specifies the seek address.

I/O size

specifies the I/O size for the file operation.

eof address

specifies the End-of-file address.

block count

specifies the block count.

next block address

specifies the next block address.

record size

specifies the record size.

max record size

specifies the maximum allowed record size.

directory address

specifies the directory end address.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an error related to a file I/O operation.

Effect  The operations such as a download, dump, or firmup operation fails.

Recovery  Verify that the file name specified in the SCF request is valid and retry the command.


00103 Object Added subject, Severity: severity [,secondary subject ], Object Type: object type, Reason: reason


specifies the subject for the event. The possible values are:

Atm-Adapter Atm-Atmsap Atm-Pvc


specifies the severity of the event as Informational.

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.

object type

specifies the DSM object type.


specifies the reason why the object was added.

Cause  An SCF ADD command was successfully completed or an internally generated add request was successfully completed.

Effect  The object was added to the ATM subsystem.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00104 Object Altered subject, Severity: severity [,secondary subject ], Object Type: object type


specifies the subject for the event. The possible values are:

Atm-Adapter Atm-Pvc ATM Line


specifies the severity of the event as Informational.

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.

object type

specifies the DSM object type.

Cause  Specifies an SCF ALTER command was successfully completed.

Effect  Attributes for the object were altered.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00105 Object Deleted subject, Severity: severity [,secondary subject ], Object Type: object type, Reason: reason


specifies the subject for the event. The possible values are:

Atm-Adapter Atm-Atmsap Atm-Pvc


specifies the severity of the event as Informational.

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.

object type

specifies the DSM object type.


specifies the reason the object was deleted.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error.

Effect  An object was deleted from the ATM subsystem.


00200 ATM:Data Base Error subject, Severity: severity [,secondary subject ], Procedure: procedure name, Error: error, Detail: error detail [, Item Type: item type, Item Name: item name ] [, Symptom String: string ] [, Reporting Method: reporting method ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Config-File.

procedure name

specifies the name of the procedure that returned the error.


specifies the returned error code.

error detail

specifies the returned detailed error code.

item type

specifies the name of the item or record type.

item name

specifies the name of the item.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the event was generated.

Cause  Specifies an operation performed on the system configuration database failed.

Effect  An entry could not be added, deleted, or retrieved from the configuration database.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


00202 ATM: Data Base Err subject, Err: error, Err Detail: error detail, AT location [, Type: item type, Name: item name ]


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Mgr.


specifies the error returned from the database procedure.

error detail

specifies the error detail.


specifies where the event was generated.

item type

specifies the item type.

item name

specifies the name of the item.

Cause  Specifies the ASM encountered an unexpected error when accessing the configuration database.

Effect  The process could not add, delete, or access the database record.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


00300 ATM: New (heap allocation) Failed subject, FOR procedure, AT location


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Mgr.


specifies the procedure name.


specifies where the event was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered a heap allocation error.

Effect  The process was unable to allocate memory.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


00302 ATM: ASM Internal Err: event name, subject, AT reporting method [, Info Num: error ][, Detail: detail] [, Type: object type, Name: object name]

event name

specifies the event name of the internal error.


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Mgr.

reporting method

specifies the location where the event was generated.


specifies the error code.


specifies the detail error code.

object type

specifies the object type.

object name

specifies the object name.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error.

Effect  For some errors, the process may not be able to continue.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


00402 Object Available subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


displayed as Amp-Started.


specifies the reason the object became available.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming available. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became available.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An AMP process was created by the ASM as a result of an adapter being added to the ATM subsystem.

Effect  The ATM subsystem can access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00403 Object Unavailable subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state [, Underlying Object: object ] [, Symptom String: string ] [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


displayed as Amp-Stopped.


specifies the reason the object became unavailable.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming unavailable. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became unavailable.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  The adapter was deleted from the ATM subsystem or the AMP process aborted abnormally.

Effect  The ATM subsystem cannot access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00404 ATM: Internal Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Text: text, Error: error, Error Detail: error detail [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.


provides additional information about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

error detail

specifies the detail of the error.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies where in the software the event was generated.

Effect  The operation or request being processed is terminated with an error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


00502 Object Available subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Mgr.


displayed as ASM-Started.


specifies the reason the object became available.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming available. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became available.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF START command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally started the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem can access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00503 Object Unavailable subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state [, Underlying Object: object ] [, Symptom String: string ] [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Mgr.


displayed as ASM-Stopped.


specifies the reason the object became unavailable.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming unavailable. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became unavailable.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF ABORT command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally aborted the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem cannot access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00600 Object Available subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state, [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Adapter.


displayed as Adapter-Started.


specifies the reason the object became available.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming available. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became available.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF START command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally started the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem can access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00503 Object Unavailable subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state, [ Underlying Object: object ] [ Symptom String: string ] [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Adapter.


displayed as Adapter-Stopped.


specifies the reason the object became unavailable.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming unavailable. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became unavailable.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF ABORT command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally aborted the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem cannot access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00602 ATM: request Started subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Adapter Location: (GRP group, MOD module, SLOT slot), By AMP In: (CPU cpu, PIN pin) [, download File: download file name] [, Download Version: download file version] [, Firmware File: firmware file] [, Firmware Version: firmware file version] [, Dump File: dump file name]


specifies the request being started. The possible values are:

Unknown Adapter-Download-Request Adapter-Abort-Request Adapter-Dump-Request Adapter-Firmup-Request Adapter-Run-Post-Request Adapter-Get-Post-Request Adapter-Local-Abort-Request Adapter-Init-QServ-Request Adapter-Reset-Request


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event as Informational.

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the physical group location of the adapter.


specifies the physical module location of the adapter.


specifies the physical slot location of the adapter.


specifies the process the AMP is running on.


specifies the process ID of the AMP.

download file name

specifies the download file being used.

download file version

specifies the download file version.

firmware file

specifies the firmware file being used.

firmware file version

specifies the firmware file version.

dump file name

specifies the dump file.

Cause  The AMP received an adapter request that contained a command such as a START, ABORT, and DUMP.

Effect  The operations required to perform the request has been initiated.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00603 ATM: request Complete subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Adapter Location: (GRP group, MOD module, SLOT slot), By AMP In: (CPU cpu, PIN pin) [, Download File: download file name] [, Download Version: download file version] [, Firmware File: firmware file name] [, Firmware Version: firmware file version] [, Dump File: dump file name]


specifies the request being started. The possible values are:

Unknown Adapter-Download-Request Adapter-Abort-Request Adapter-Dump-Request Adapter-Firmup-Request Adapter-Run-Post-Request Adapter-Get-Post-Request Adapter-Local-Abort-Request Adapter-Init-QServ-Request Adapter-Reset-Request


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event as Informational.

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the physical group location of the adapter.


specifies the physical module location of the adapter.


specifies the physical slot location of the adapter.


specifies the process the AMP is running on.


specifies the process ID of the AMP.

download file name

specifies the download file being used.

download file version

specifies the download file version.

firmware file

specifies the firmware file being used.

firmware file version

specifies the firmware file version.

dump file name

specifies the dump file.

Cause  The AMP successfully completed an adapter request.

Effect  The adapter was successfully downloaded, aborted dumped, or firmware updated.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00604 ATM: request Failed subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Adapter Location: (GRP group, MOD module, SLOT slot), By AMP In: (CPU cpu, PIN pin) [, Error: error] [, Download file: download file name] [DownloadVersion: download file version] [, Firmware Version: firmware file version] [, DumpFile: dump file name] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the request being started. The possible values are:

Unknown Adapter-Download-Request Adapter-Abort-Request Adapter-Dump-Request Adapter-Firmup-Request Adapter-Run-Post-Request Adapter-Get-Post-Request Adapter-Local-Abort-Request Adapter-Init-QServ-Request Adapter-Reset-Request


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the physical group location of the adapter.


specifies the physical module location of the adapter.


specifies the physical slot location of the adapter.


specifies the process the AMP is running on.


specifies the process ID of the AMP.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

download file name

specifies the download file being used.

download file version

specifies the download file version.

firmware file

specifies the firmware file being used.

firmware file version

specifies the firmware file version.

dump file name

specifies the dump file.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies where in the software the event was generated.

Effect  The request such as a DOWNLOAD, ABORT or DUMP was terminated abnormally.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


00605 ATM: operation Started subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject] Adapter Location: (GRP group, MOD module, SLOT slot) [, Download File: download file] [, Download Version: download version] [Firmware File: firmware file] [, Firmware Version: firmware version] [Dump File: dump file]


specifies the request being started. The possible values are:

Unknown Adapter-Reset Adapter-Run-Post Adapter-Prime Adapter-Get-Post Adapter-Fetch-Version Adapter-Load-Ram-Op-Code Adapter-Exec-Op-Code Adapter-Init-QServ Adapter-Dsm-Configure Adapter-Adapter-Start Adapter-Adapter-Dump Adapter-Adapter-Load-Ram-Boot Adapter-Exec-Boot-Code


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event as Informational.

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the physical group location of the adapter.


specifies the physical module location of the adapter.


specifies the physical slot location of the adapter.

download file name

specifies the download file being used.

download file version

specifies the download file version.

firmware file

specifies the firmware file being used.

firmware file version

specifies the firmware file version.

dump file name

specifies the dump file.

Cause  Specifies that the AMP started an adapter operation or sent a command to the adapter to initiate an operation.

Effect  A low level command is sent to the adapter’s boot software to perform an operation.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00606 ATM: operation Complete subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Adapter Location: (GRP group, MOD module, SLOT slot) [, Firmware Version: firmware file version]


specifies the request being started. The possible values are:

Unknown Adapter-Reset Adapter-Run-Post Adapter-Prime Adapter-Get-Post Adapter-Fetch-Version Adapter-Load-Ram-Op-Code Adapter-Exec-Op-Code Adapter-Init-QServ Adapter-Dsm-Configure Adapter-Adapter-Start Adapter-Adapter-Dump Adapter-Adapter-Load-Ram-Boot Adapter-Exec-Boot-Code


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event as Informational.

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the physical group location of the adapter.


specifies the physical module location of the adapter.


specifies the physical slot location of the adapter.

firmware file version

specifies the firmware file version.

Cause  Specifies a low level ADAPTER command was successfully completed.

Effect  The adapter and the AMP software are in a state to proceed to the next operation.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00607 ATM: operation Failed subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Adapter Location: (GRP group, MOD module, SLOT slot) [, Error: error] [, State: state, Event: event, Action: action] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method


specifies the request being started. The possible values are:

Unknown Adapter-Reset Adapter-Run-Post Adapter-Prime Adapter-Get-Post Adapter-Fetch-Version Adapter-Load-Ram-Op-Code Adapter-Exec-Op-Code Adapter-Init-QServ Adapter-Dsm-Configure Adapter-Adapter-Start Adapter-Adapter-Dump Adapter-Adapter-Load-Ram-Boot Adapter-Exec-Boot-Code


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the physical group location of the adapter.


specifies the physical module location of the adapter.


specifies the physical slot location of the adapter.


specifies the returned error code.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming available. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became available.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the error was generated.

download file name

specifies the download file being used.

download file version

specifies the download file version.

firmware file

specifies the firmware file being used.

firmware file version

specifies the firmware file version.

dump file name

specifies the dump file.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error.

Effect  The process was unable to continue.

Recovery  If an SCF command was issued, the command should be reissued. If the problem persists, replace the adapter or update the adapter firmware, and contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


00608 ATM: Adapter Post Status Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Adapter Location: (GRP group, MOD module, SLOT slot) [Post Test Failures: failures, Post Test No: test mumber, Test Data: test data 1, test data 2, test data 3, test data 4, test data 5, test data 6] [, Firmware Version: firmware version] [, Symptoom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event as Critical.

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the physical group location of the adapter.


specifies the physical module location of the adapter.


specifies the physical slot location of the adapter.


specifies the number of failures detected.

test number

specifies the text number that failed.

test data

specifies the test data.

firmware file version

specifies the firmware file version.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the error was generated.

Cause  The AMP read the power on self-test results from the adapter that indicated the tests detected an error.

Effect  The adapter cannot be started.

Recovery  If an SCF command was issued, retry the command. If the problem persists, the adapter should be replaced or the firmware should be updated.


00000 ATM: Adapter Software Failure subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Adapter Location: (GRP group, MOD module, SLOT slot) [Major: major, Minor: minor, Info: info, PC: Oxpc, Version: version string, Error: error string, File: file name.#line number] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event as Critical.

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the physical group location of the adapter.


specifies the physical module location of the adapter.


specifies the physical slot location of the adapter.


specifies the adapter defined major error code.


specifies the adapter defined minor error code.


specifies the adapter defined informational code.


specifies the program counter of the adapter.

version string

specifies the version string of the adapter.

error string

specifies the error string of the adapter.

file name

specifies the software file name of the adapter where the trap was detected.

line number

specifies the software line number where the traps were detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the adapter software terminated

Effect  The adapter is unloaded and reverts to the boot state.

Recovery  The adapter should be dumped if the dump was not performed automatically. The adapter should then be aborted and restarted.


00610 ATM: Adapter Dump Checksum Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject ], Adapter Location: (GRP group, MOD module, SLOT slot), Dump File: dump file name, Block Address: Oxblock address, Block Size: block size


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event as Informational.

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the physical group location of the adapter.


specifies the physical module location of the adapter.


specifies the physical slot location of the adapter.

dump file name

specifies the dump file.

oxblock address

specifies the address of the dump block.

block size

specifies the size of the dump block.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the AMP detected a checksum error on a received dump block from the adapter.

Effect  The block is written to the dumpfile with all “FF’s” as the data for the block.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00700 Object Available subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state, [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Line.


displayed as Line-Started.


specifies the reason the object became available.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming available. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became available.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF START command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally started the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem can access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00701 Object Unavailable subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state, [ Underlying Object: object ] [ Symptom String: string ] [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Line.


displayed as Line-Stopped.


specifies the reason the object became unavailable.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming unavailable. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became unavailable.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF ABORT command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally aborted the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem cannot access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00800 Object Available subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state, [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Atmsap.


displayed as Atmsap-Started.


specifies the reason the object became available.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming available. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became available.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF START command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally started the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem can access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


00801 Object Unavailable subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state, [ Underlying Object: object ] [ Symptom String: string ] [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Atmsap.


displayed as Atmsap-Stopped.


specifies the reason the object became unavailable.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming unavailable. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became unavailable.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF ABORT command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally aborted the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem cannot access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


01000 Object Available subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state, [, Manager: manager name ] [ Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Pvc.


displayed as Pvc-Started.


specifies the reason the object became available.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming available. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became available.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF START command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally started the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem can access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


01001 Object Unavailable subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state, [ Underlying Object: object ] [ Symptom String: string ] [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Pvc.


displayed as Pvc-Stopped.


specifies the reason the object became unavailable.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming unavailable. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became unavailable.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF ABORT command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally aborted the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem cannot access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


01200 ATM: ATMDIH Error subject, Severity: severity, [, secondary subject ], Procedure: procedure name, Error: error [, Sympton String: symptom string ] [, Reporting Method: reporting method ]


specifies the subject for the event. The possible values are:

Atm-Adapter Atm-Line Atm-Atmsap Amp-Process


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event. The possible values are:

ATM-Dih-Client ATM-Process

procedure name

specifies the name of the procedure that returned the error.


specifies the error returned from the ATMDIH procedure.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the event was generated.

Cause  Specifies an error was returned from the ATMDIH procedure.

Effect  The error could result in the AMP abending.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01201 ATM: ATMDIH STRUCT Error subject, Procedure: procedure name, Struct-Addr: structure address [, Symptom String: symptom string ] [, Reporting Method: reporting method ]


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-DIH-Client.

procedure name

specifies the name of the procedure that returned the error.

structure address

specifies the structure address.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the event was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error.

Effect  The process was unable to continue.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01300 ATM: ATMDIH Event subject, event [, secondary subject ] [, Procedure ID: procedure ID ]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the ATMDIH generated event. The possible values are:

Unknown AtmDih-Put-Pool AtmDih-Md-Get AtmDih-Queue-Put-Msg AtmDih-QSer-Get-Queue AtmDih-Receive-Error AtmDih-Send-Error AtmDih-Qio-Msg AtmDih-C2H-Tpmp AtmDih-PTC2H-Interrupt AtmDih-Msg-Unknown AtmDih-Q-Full-Msg AtmDih-Path-Switch AtmDih-Buffer-Path-Enable AtmDih-Snet-Paths-Disabled AtmDih-Snet-Paths-Disabled AtmDih-Set-XFer-Path

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as ATM-Adapter.

procedure ID

specifies the procedure ID where the event was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error.

Effect  The process was unable to continue.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01400 ATM: SMLib Error subject, Severity: severity, [, secondary subject ], Procedure: procedure name, Error: error, SM Lib Version: SM Lib Version [, Module ID: 0xmodule ID ] [, Event Flag: 0xevent flag ] [, Queue: queue name, Queue ID: 0xqueue ID ] [ Msg Desc Allocate Len: mdlen ] [Msg Desc: 0xmdId ] [, Client Name: client name ] [, Sympton String: symptom string ] [, Reporting Method: reporting method ]


specifies the subject for the event. The possible values are:

Amp-Process SMLib-Client


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.

procedure name

specifies the name of the procedure that returned the error.


specifies the error returned from the shared memory procedure.

SM Lib Version

specifies the version of the shared memory library.

module ID

specifies the shared memory module ID.

queue name

specifies the queue name.

queue ID

specifies the shared memory queue ID.


specifies the message descriptor length.


specifies the message descriptor ID.

client name

specifies the client name.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the event was generated.

Cause  Specifies an error was returned from a shared memory library procedure.

Effect  The process was unable to continue.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01500 Object Available subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state, [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Process.


displayed as SNet-Path-Available.


specifies the reason the object became available.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming available. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became available.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF START command was successfully processed or the ATM subsystem internally started the object.

Effect  The ATM subsystem can access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


01501 Object Unavailable subject, Event Number: event, Reason: reason, Previous State: state, Current State: state, [ Underlying Object: object ] [ Symptom String: string ] [, Manager: manager name ] [, Batch ID: jobid ] [, User Content: text ]


specifies the subject for the event as ATM-Process.


displayed as SNet-Path-Unavailable.


specifies the reason the object became unavailable.


in the previous state field, state specifies the state the object was in before becoming unavailable. In the current state field, state specifies the state of the object after it became unavailable.

manager name

specifies the ATM subsystem manager.


provides additional information about the event.

Cause  An SCF ABORT ADAPTER command was successfully processed, the adapter aborted abnormally or a SNet failure was detected.

Effect  The ATM subsystem cannot access the object.

Recovery  None. This is an informational event.


01600 ATM: API error subject, Procedure: procedure name, Error: error [, Symptom String: symptom string ] [, Reporting Method: reporting method ]


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-DIH-Client.

procedure name

specifies the name of the procedure that returned the error.


specifies the returned error code.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the event was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error.

Effect  The process was unable to continue.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01700 ATM: SIG Error subject, Procedure: procedure name, Error: error [, Symptom String: symptom string ] [, Reporting Method: reporting method ]


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-DIH-Client.

procedure name

specifies the name of the procedure that returned the error.


specifies the returned error code.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the event was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error.

Effect  The process was unable to continue.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01801 ATM: Internal DSM Object Error subject, Severity: severity, secondary subject, Text: text, Error: error, Error Detail: error Detail [, ObjName: object name] [, ObjState: object state] [, Superior ObjName: superior object name] [, Superior ObjType: superior object type] [, Superior ObjState: superior object state] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.


specifies additional information about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

error detail

specifies the detail of the error.

object name

specifies the object name.

object type

specifies the DSM defined object type.

object state

specifies the DSM summary state of the object.

superior object name

specifies the superior object name.

superior object type

specifies the DSM defined object type of the superior object.

superior object state

specifies the DSM summary state of the superior object.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error related to DSM object.

Effect  The operation or request being processed is terminated with an error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01802 ATM: Internal Object Manager Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Text: text, Error: error, Error Detail: error detail [, ObjType: object type] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.


provides additional information about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

error detail

specifies the detail of the error.

object type

specifies a DSM object type supported by the ATM subsystem.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error relating to an object manager.

Effect  The operation or request being processed is terminated with an error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01803 ATM: Internal Timer Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Text: text, Error: error, Error Detail: error detail [, Timer name: timer name] [, Timer ID: timer ID] [, Timer Tag: timer tag] [, Request ID: request ID] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.


provides additional information about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

error detail

specifies the detail of the error.

timer name

specifies the timer name.

timer ID

specifies the timer ID.

timer tag

specifies the internal tag value used by the timer.

request ID

specifies the request ID.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error relating to a timer operation.

Effect  An operation such as sending a message to the adapter cannot proceed because of the timer error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01804 ATM: Internal Statemachine Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Text: text, Error: error, Error Detail: error detail [, State: state] [, state string] [, Event: event] [event string] [Action: action] [, action string] [, NextState: next state] [, next state string] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


provides additional informational about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

error detail

specifies the detail of the error.


specifies the current state machine state displayed as a number.

state string

specifies the current state machine state displayed as a string.


specifies the current state machine event displayed as a number.

event string

specifies the current state machine event displayed as a string.


specifies the current state machine action displayed as a number.

action string

specifies the current state machine action displayed as a string.

next state

specifies the current state machine next state displayed as a number.

next state string

specifies the current state machine next state displayed as a string.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error relating to the AMP’s statemachine.

Effect  The operation or request being process is terminated with an error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01805 ATM: Internal SMLib Queue Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Text: text, Error: error, Error Detail: error detail [, Queue Name: queue name] [, Queue ID: queue ID] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event.


provides additional information about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

error detail

specifies the detail of the error.

queue name

specifies the queue name.

queue ID

specifies the queue ID.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error related to a shared memory queue.

Effect  The operation or request being processed is terminated with an error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01806 ATM: ZAtm Request Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Text: text, Error: error, Error Detail: error detail [, Received Len: received length, Expected Len: expected length] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as File-Access.


provides additional information about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

error detail

specifies the detail of the error.

received length

specifies the received length for the request.

expected length

specifies the expected length for the request.

symptom string

specifies where in the software the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where in the software the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error while processing a request from the ASM.

Effect  The request from the ASM will be rejected with an error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01807 ATM: ZAtm Response Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Text: text, Error: error [, Allocated Len: allocated length, Used Len: used length] [, Token Code: token code, Token Len: token length] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Amp-Process.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as File-Access.


provides additional information about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

allocated length

specifies the allocated length for the response.

used length

specifies the current used length of the response.

token code

specifies the token code being processed.

token length

specifies the token length for the request.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error while processing a response to the ASM.

Effect  The response to the ASM does not contain all of the required information and returns to the ASM with an error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01900 ATM: Slam Event Header subject, Evt Count: event count, Version: version


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.

event count

specifies the number of events generated.


specifies the adapter version.

atmsap name

specifies the ATMSAP name.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error.

Effect  The process was able to continue.

Recovery  None. This is a informational event.


01901 ATM: Slam Event subject, Slam Event: event, Occurrences: occurrences, First Time: first time, Last Time: last time [, Msg: message ]


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the adapter defined event. The possible values are:

adapter-event-lost adapter-test slam-adapter-evt


specifies the number of event occurrences.

first time

specifies the time of the first event occurrence.

last time

specifies the time of the last event occurrence.


specifies the event message.

Cause  Specifies the AMP received an event message from the adapter.

Effect  The process was able to continue.

Recovery  None. This is a informational event.


01902 ATM: Slam Response Error subject, Severity: severity [,secondary subject], Text: text, Error: error, Error Detail: error detail [, Received Len: received length] [, Token Code: token code, Token Len: token length] [, Expected Length: expected length] [Client name: client name] [Obj Name: object name, type: object type] [Source RouteId: source route ID, Service ID: service ID, Function: function, Modifier: modifier, Misc: Misc, Request ID: request ID, Route ID: route ID, Length: length] [Version: mgmt version, Cmd: mgmt command, Obj Type: mgmt object type, Obj Name: mgmt object name, Error: mgmt error, Qualifier: mgmt error qualifier, Next Obj Type: mgmt next object type, Next Obj Name: mgmt next object name] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting Method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical Warning

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


provides additional information about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

error detail

specifies the detail of the error.

received length

specifies the received response length.

token code

specifies the received token code.

token length

specifies the received token length.

expected length

specifies the expected token length.

client name

specifies the client that received the response.

object name

specifies the object name.

object type

specifies the object type.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where the error was generated.

The following information describes the information received in the AMP/Adapter Interface header:

sifSourceRouteIdSource Route ID
sifServiceIdService ID
sifModifierFunction modifier
sifRequestIdRequest ID
sifRoutIdRoute ID
sifLengthMessage length

The following information describes the information received in the AMP/Adapter Interface Management message header:

mgmtObjTypeobject type
mgmtObjNameobject name
mgmtErrormanagement error
mgmtErrorQualifiermanagement error qualifier
mgmtNextObjTypenext object name
mgmtNextObjNamenext object type

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error while processing a response or message from the adapter.

Effect  The management request to the AMP that triggered the request to the adapter to be generated is returned with an error.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).


01903 ATM: Internal SLAM Request Error subject, Severity: severity [, secondary subject], Text: text, Error: error, Error Detail: error detail [, request ID: request ID] [, Symptom String: symptom string] [, Reporting method: reporting method]


specifies the subject for the event as Atm-Adapter.


specifies the severity of the event. The possible values are:

Indeterminate Critical Warning

secondary subject

specifies the secondary subject for the event as Amp-Process.


provides additional information about the cause for the event.


specifies the ATM subsystem defined error code.

error detail

specifies the detail of the error.

request ID

specifies the request ID.

symptom string

specifies where the error was detected.

reporting method

specifies where the error was generated.

Cause  Specifies the process encountered an internal error while generating a request to the adapter.

Effect  A request or message is not sent to the adapter.

Recovery  This is a serious error. Contact the Global Mission Critical Solution Center (GMCSC).