******************************************************************** Hewlett-Packard Color LaserJet 5500 Series Printers Firmware Update/Download Release/Installation Notes ******************************************************************** ReadMe File Contents: I. Introduction --Purpose of this ReadMe File --What is included in a remote firmware upgrade? --Who needs this Firmware? --Determining the current level of firmware II. Upgrade Instructions --Single Printer Upgrade --For Windows systems --For UNIX systems --For Macintosh systems --Using HP Web JetAdmin to upgrade the firmware to a single printer --Multiple Printer Upgrade --Using HP Web JetAdmin to upgrade the firmware to multiple printers --Printer messages during a normal upgrade process --Troubleshooting a firmware upgrade III. Improvements provided with this firmware revision IV. Technical Assistance V. Legal Statements *************************** I. INTRODUCTION *************************** PURPOSE OF THIS README FILE This ReadMe file provides specific installation instructions and other information you should know before you perform a firmware upgrade for your CLJ5500 Series printer. Installation instructions are provided for Single or Multiple Printer Upgrades. This file provides specific installation and troubleshooting information. For additional information on the printer features, refer to the online user guide found on the Windows Printing System Installer CD-ROM that came with your printer. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN A REMOTE FIRMWARE UPGRADE? The CLJ5500 Remote Firmware Upgrade file available from the hp web site contains firmware for the printer and all hp paper handling accessories used on the CLJ5500 printer in one convenient download file. When the Remote Firmware Upgrade file is sent to the HP CLJ5500 printer the printer's firmware is upgraded. WHO NEEDS THIS FIRMWARE? Similar to Hewlett Packard providing improved software for your CLJ5500, a firmware upgrade may be necessary if it is determined that you may benefit from an improvement that is documented below in section "III". DETERMINING THE CURRENT LEVEL OF FIRMWARE To determine the current level of firmware installed on the printer: 1. Go to the printer control panel. 2. Press the select button (the one with the check mark) to enter the menus. 3. Press the up and down buttons to scroll to "INFORMATION" on the control panel display. 4. Press the select button 5. Press the up and down buttons to scroll to "PRINT CONFIGURATION" on the control panel display. 6. Press the select button to print the Configuration Page. 7. Look in the section marked "Printer Information" for the firmware date code. The firmware date code will look something like this: Firmware Datecode: 20021003 04.000.0 ************************************ II. UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ************************************ NOTE: Please be aware that an upgrade in some circumstance may require approximately ten minutes to complete. UPGRADING THE NEW FIRMWARE TO A SINGLE PRINTER ------------------------------------------------- You can send an .RFU upgrade to a printer at any time; the printer will wait for all I/O channels to become idle before cycling power. NOTE: If the firmware upgrade involves a change in the format of NVRAM, the NVRAM settings will be lost and must be set again by the customer. The elapsed time for an upgrade depends on the I/O transfer time as well as the time that it takes for the printer to reinitialize. The I/O transfer time will depend on a number of things including the speed of the host computer sending the upgrade and the I/O method (FIR, parallel, or network). The re-initialization time will depend on the specific hardware configuration of the printer, such as the number of EIO devices installed, and the amount of memory installed. Finally, any print jobs ahead of the .RFU job in the queue will be printed before the .RFU upgrade is processed. NOTE: The printer will automatically restart after processing the upgrade. -------------------- FOR WINDOWS SYSTEMS: -------------------- --If the printer is shared on the network, -- then the following command can be issued from a command prompt: copy /b FILENAME \\SHARENAME\PRINTERNAME where FILENAME is the name of the .RFU file, SHARENAME is the name of the machine, from which the printer is being shared, and PRINTERNAME is the printer's share name. --If the printer is attached locally-- The .RFU file can be sent directly to the printer with a COPY command from a command prompt or DOS window: copy /b FILENAME PORTNAME (FOR EXAMPLE, copy /b C:\clj5500_4_3.rfu LPT1) where FILENAME is the name of the .RFU file and PORTNAME is the name of the appropriate printer port (such as LPT 1). --FTP Put-- An FTP Put command allow you to send the .RFU file to the printer from a command prompt to an IP address. 1. Print a Configuration Page and note the firmware revision number. 2. Download firmware from the Web and copy it to a directory on the PC. 3. Unzip the downloaded file. This creates two files in a folder titled CLJ5500. The two files – the .RFU file, which is the firmware, and a ReadMe file, which explains the downloading process. 4. Go to a Command Prompt to open a window for DOS information and locate firmware file. 5. At the C:\ > (type) ftp IP address (e.g. c:\>ftp 6. Press ENTER. 7. When prompted for user name and password, press ENTER for each. 8. When ftp> appears, type bin. 9. Press ENTER. 10. When ftp> appears, type put drive:\directory\filename (e.g. put c:\CLJ5500\clj5500_4_3.rfu). 11. Press ENTER. 12. Wait for the printer to re-boot after the upgrade, which might take three minutes. 13. Once the printer re-boots, close the ftp session by typing BY, then pressing ENTER. The upgrade is complete. *You can also send the file via a Fast Infrared (FIR) port. For Novell Networks: -------------------- -Copy the upgrade firmware file to a known directory -Capture the Novell print queue -Copy the upgrade file to the captured queue Copying the upgrade firmware file to a known directory: 1. Find the file {current version of firmware you downloaded from the web} and copy it to the root of a local drive or to a directory close to the root. (i.e. c:\firmware) 2. Make note of the directory for future use and confirm file is there. Capturing the Novell print queue (BPJ02357): 1. Go to a DOS prompt. 2. Type ENDCAP L=1 (With later Novell clients, the command is CAPTURE /ENDCAP L=1. 3. Press Enter 4. The message "Device LPT1 is set to local mode" should appear. 5. Type Capture L=1 Q=[Queue name] NFF NB NT TI=10 6. Press Enter 7. If you wish to test communication, type dir>lpt1. If the directory prints, the queue has been successfully captured. Copy the upgrade file to the captured queue: 1. Go to DOS prompt 2. Navigate to the directory where the upgrade file is saved 3. Type COPY /b {Filename} lpt1: 4. The message "1 File copied" should appear and the printer should indicate the firmware file is being processed. FOR UNIX SYSTEMS: ----------------- Any method that delivers the .RFU file to the printer will work, including: $ cp /home/yourmachine/FILENAME /dev/parallel where /home/yourmachine/FILENAME contains the .RFU file. FOR MACINTOSH SYSTEMS: ---------------------- Mac OS 8x & 9x Systems -- The first step in upgrading the LaserJet 4600 firmware is making sure you have the tools and files necessary for the update. You will need either Netscape or Fetch and the xxxxxx.rfu file that you downloaded with this ReadMe. The .rfu file is the actual firmware file for the LaserJet. -- Once you have the firmware file, Netscape, or Fetch you are ready to begin the upgrade process. Upgrade using Netscape: 1. Launch Netscape 4.7 or newer. Disable FTP proxy setting if you are using a proxy connection to the internet. 2. In the url address box type ftp://<> (example - press the enter key to connect to the printer. 3. The browser window should show port1 as a directory. Drag and drop the xxxxxx.rfu file into the browser window. 4. A message window will appear "Are you sure you want to upload the dragged file.... Click the OK button. 10. Once the file is completely downloaded to the printer the display on the LaserJet will show the message "Performing Upgrade". 11. When the upgrade process has completed the LaserJet will reboot. Once the printer is back online, print a Configuration Page to verify that the new firmware has been installed. Update using Fetch: 1. Launch Fetch, a window will appear requesting; Host = <> (example - User ID = <> Password = <> 2. The main Fetch window will open. Click the "Put File" button and select the xxxxxx.rfu file. Click OK. 3. Once the file is completely downloaded to the printer the display on the LaserJet will show the message "Performing Upgrade". 4. When the upgrade process has completed the LaserJet will reboot. Once the printer is back online, print a Configuration Page to verify that the new firmware has been installed. Mac OSX System 1. Open the Terminal application found in the Utilities folder; a terminal window will appear. 2. After the % symbol enter following information: ftp <> (example - % ftp 3. The terminal window will list that you are connected to the printer and the JD FTP Server is Ready. 4. Press enter once since the JetDirect Print Server will accept a blank for the User Name. 5. Press enter once since the JetDirect Print Server will accept a blank for the Password. 6. After ftp> enter the following information: put <> (Example - ftp> put /users/computername/Desktop/laserjet_fw.rfu) _______ Note: To ensure that the entire proper path to the .rfu file is placed in the put command, type in put and a space, then click and drag the .rfu file on to the terminal window. The complete path to the file will be placed after the put command. ------- 7. When the upgrade process has completed the LaserJet will reboot. Once the printer is back online, print a Configuration Page to verify that the new firmware has been installed. USING HP WEB JETADMIN TO UPGRADE THE FIRMWARE TO A SINGLE PRINTER ------------------------------------------------------------------ This procedure requires that Web JetAdmin v. 6.1 or later is installed. The following steps will upgrade a single printer through HP Web JetAdmin after downloading the .RFU file from the HP Web site. **NOTE**: The PLUG-IN for the CLJ5500 is now available at the Web JetAdmin site. This PLUG-IN will be needed in order to view all of the features offered with the CLJ5500. The web site address is: www.hp.com/go/webjetadmin 1. Start HP Web JetAdmin. 2. Enter the IP address or IP hostname of the printer in the Quick Device Find field, and then click Go. The printer's Status window appears. 3. Click the right arrow on the toolbar to display the Update button. 4. Click Update. 5. When prompted for the type of update to perform, select Update Printers and click Continue. 6. Under Upload new firmware image, click Browse to locate the .RFU file you downloaded to your hard disk from the http://www.hp.com Web site. 7. Click Upload to move the .RFU file from your hard drive to the HP Web JetAdmin server. 8. Refresh the browser. 9. Select the .RFU file from the Select new firmware version: drop-down menu. 10. Click Update Firmware. HP Web JetAdmin sends the selected .RFU file to the printer. MULTIPLE PRINTER UPGRADE ------------------------- NOTE: Please be aware that an upgrade in some circumstance may require approximately ten minutes to complete. USING HP WEB JETADMIN TO UPGRADE THE FIRMWARE TO MULTIPLE PRINTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------- This procedure requires that Web JetAdmin v. 6.1 or later is installed. The following steps will upgrade a single printer through HP Web JetAdmin after downloading the .RFU file from the HP Web site. **NOTE**: The PLUG-IN for the CLJ5500 is now available at the Web JetAdmin site. This PLUG-IN will be needed in order to view all of the features offered with the CLJ5500. The web site address is: www.hp.com/go/webjetadmin 1. Start HP Web JetAdmin. 2. Create a device group. A simple way to do this is to: a. Select Devices from the 1. Choose: drop-down menu. b. Select Device Model from the Filter: drop-down menu. c. Type 5500 in the 3. Criteria (Optional): field. d. Click Go. 3. In the Device List, select the printers you want to include in the group and click Create Group. 4. When prompted, type a name for the new device group and click OK. 5. Click Update. 6. When prompted for the type of update to perform, select Update Printers and click Continue. 7. From the list of HP Devices, select the printers to be upgraded or click Select All. 8. Click Update to install the new printer firmware. PRINTER MESSAGES DURING A NORMAL UPGRADE PROCESS ------------------------------------------------- The printer displays three messages during a normal upgrade process: Printer message Explanation -------------------------------------------------------------------- RECEIVING UPGRADE Displayed from the time the printer recognizes the beginning of an .RFU upgrade until the time the printer has verified the validity and integrity of the .RFU upgrade. UPGRADING PRINTER Displayed while the printer is actually reprogramming the DIMM with the .RFU upgrade. WAIT FOR PRINTER TO Displayed from the time the printer has REINITIALIZE finished re-programming the DIMM until the printer reinitializes. NOTE: To verify that the firmware upgrade succeeded, print a Configuration page from the printer's control panel and verify the firmware datecode shown on the Configuration page is the same as the datecode of the .RFU file you downloaded. TROUBLESHOOTING A FIRMWARE UPGRADE ----------------------------------- The following table lists causes and results for possible interruptions to the firmware upgrade. CAUSE RESULT ---------------------------------------------------------------- Job cancelled from printer No upgrade has occurred. control panel Resend upgrade. Break in I/O stream during send No upgrade has occurred. (for example, parallel Resend upgrade. cable removed) Power cycle during RECEIVING No upgrade has occurred. UPGRADE Resend upgrade. Power cycle during UPGRADING Resend upgrade. PRINTER Power cycle during Upgrade completed. WAIT FOR PRINTER TO REINITIALIZE Print jobs sent to the printer while an upgrade is in process will not interrupt the upgrade. The following table lists possible reasons for the failure of a Remote Firmware Upgrade and the corrective action to take for each situation. ------------------------------------------------------------------ REASON FOR FIRMWARE CORRECTIVE ACTION UPGRADE FAILURE ---------------------- -------------------------------- .RFU file corrupted The printer will recognize that the file is corrupted and will reject the upgrade. Download the image again from the http://www.hp.com Web site and send the new file to the printer. Wrong printer model The printer will recognize the model in .RFU file mismatch and will reject the upgrade. Download the correct image from the http://www.hp.com Web site and send it to the printer. Upgrade interrupted See previous table. NOTE: If an upgrade fails during the "Performing Upgrade" process, the CCLJ5500 can still be upgraded, however it can only be done using the Parallel method of upgrading. ************************************************************* III. IMPROVEMENTS PROVIDED WITH THIS FIRMWARE REVISION ************************************************************* You may see improvements for the problems mentioned below by updating your printer's firmware. revision "20050602 04.020.3" -- Translation issues Several translation issues have been resolved -- Post Script printing issues Several Post Script printing issues have been resolved -- New feature, Intermediate Control Pannel Lock Intermediate Control Pannel lock is now available via PJL command -- New feature, Disable Size/Type Prompt A new feature exists under Configure Device>System Setup>Tray Behaviour>Size/Type Prompt -- job retention errors Various job retenion issues resolved ----------------------------------------------------------- IMPROVEMENTS PROVIDED WITH PREVIOUS FIRMWARE REVISIONS: ----------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: ALL IMPROVEMENTS WITH PREVIOUS REVISIONS OF FIRMWARE ARE INCLUDED WITHIN THE MOST CURRENT REVISIONS revision "20041216 04.019.4" -- Color Consistency Several fixes to improve the color consistency have been added to this version revision "20041007 04.019.1" -- IIR filter averaging IIR filter averaging was implemented to improve Color Stability -- Calibration behavior Calibration behavior was modified to reduce risk for streaking. Printer will not calibrate below 13°C anymore revision "20040609 04.18.3" -- Dual mode cleaning mode added for preventing streaks revision "20031024 04.17.0" --Firmware RFU to MacIntosh Failes Firmware RFU download to Macintosh fails with LaserJet Utility --Problems printing from IBM Mainframe Problems printing from IBM Mainframe --Various translation issues Various messages who were mistranslated are now fixed --Legacy tray mapping Legacy Tray mapping Required for PDX Pharmacy Application Compatiblity --Control Panel lock did not lock all functionality Control Panel Lock at MAX does not lock out the paper trays. --Color Matching/Color table inconsistencies Color Matching/Color table inconsistencies --Memory leak Memory Leak during a Job Cancel --Large number of fonts on harddrive causes issues After sending a large number of fonts to the hard drive causes printer to 49.0508 when printing PS font list. --PQ Troubleshooting pages have wrong orientation Print quality color pages alpha-numeric refence table is rotated revision "20030731 04.016.3" - Color table updates Several colors have been updated to better match the color displayed on the screen. Updates have been in the light blue and red areas. - Device color table replaced with hp Color LaserJet 4550 emulation table The device color table has been replaced with a color table which emulates the hp Color LaserJet 4550 colors better. To use this table select "Device" in the color options in the driver. revision "20030606 04.016.2" ------------------------------ --PDF File causes a 49 Service error Malformed PDF Files can cause a 49 Service error --Postal barcode font will not print The Postal barcode font won't print internal bars --PCL XL error when printing demo page with letter R media When printing a demo page with only Letter-R or A4-R media loaded the printer will generate a PCL XL error --Brand new cartridge shows 26% Life remaining in supplies status page When inserting a brand new cartridge the supplies status page still shows only 26% life remaining. --Several translation issues There were several messages who are translated wrong in one or more languages. --Toner gauge on Supplies Status page jumpsfrom 92% to 25% The toner gauge on the Supplies Status page jumps from 92% to 25% and then stays at 25% until the actual 25% level is reached. --"Order supplies" message appears when no supplies are low or out The message to "Order supplies" appears even though none of the toner cartridges is empty nor one of the other consumables has reached it's end of life. --Several color issues. Several color issues have been resolved such as color matching, highlight printing, etc. revision "20021217 04.009.0" ------------------------------ --Characters are malformed when printed Some printed characters have odd lines through them, or may have areas that are "filled in". Example; the letter 'e' may have the bottom half filled. Other characters may have 'tails' at the bottom. --Font DIMM name issue Font DIMM may display the fonts TrueType Family number instead of the font name on the PCL Font List. --Postscript print job has unexpected black line Some postscript print jobs have a black line at the bottom of the page which is not there in the original document. --Printer pauses between pages When printing long print job of several hundred pages or multiple copies of shorter page jobs, the printer may begin pausing between pages. --Image Transfer Kit life out resets to 100% The control panel reports the Image Transfer Kit life low at 5% and shows this on the supplies status page. Once the printer reaches Image Transfer Kit life out, the printer resets to 100% life and stays there. The supplies status page shows Image Transfer Kit life "okay" and remaining pages at 120K. --Supplies status and usage page differ Using the first set of consumables in the printer, the coverage values shown on the Usage Page and the Supplies Status Page differ. --Incorrect Cartridge causes printer to hang If a print cartridge is installed in an incorrect location, after the cartridge is installed correctly, the printer may hang upon closing the front cover. --Missing information in PostScript File Some lines and graphics (header boxes with fill) not printing. Unix postscript elements may print in slightly different positions on the page compared to other printers. --Print Quality pages is clipped with A4 paper size A scaling issue with A4 paper results in the image printing too large, only a portion of the image is printed. --Changes to the color/mono switching default The printer will determine whether the first page is color or monochrome. This will help customers printing mostly black pages (and small jobs <4 pages) conserve color print cartridge life. --"Replace Fuser Kit" message does not clear after replacing fuser Printer displays messages "Replace Fuser Kit". User follow the control panel instructions to replace the fuser, but the message doesn't always clear and sometimes when it does clear it comes back after printing a couple pages. --fonts added via Accessible Architecture causes 49.00FF error loading an Accessible Architecture dll containing fonts onto the hard drive of the printer, causes the printer to show a 49.00FF error upon boot up. --HP-GL/2 color documents prints black/White Some color HP-GL/2 files print in black and white instead of color. --Stack overflow using OutputStreamWriter and UTF8 If the encoding chosen for OutputStreamWriter in a Chai service is UTF8 a stack overflow error will occur. --Embedded Web Server does not correctly hide 3rd party menu The Configure Device->Settings page on the Embedded Web Server, displays the contents of the administrator menu whether the user is properly authenticated or not. This is a problem for third party developers in that a user could access the Embedded Web Server to change the values of the developers solution settings that only an administrator should be able to access. --After installing new print cartridge, printer doesn't always calibrate New print cartridge should initiate a calibration cycle. Instead the printer returns to READY. The next job sent to the printer will initiate the calibration cycle. --Added "CLEAN FUSER INPUT" message When "REPLACE BLACK PRINT CARTRIDGE" message is displayed on the printers control panel, additional new "CLEAN FUSER INPUT" message will appear first. This ensures proper cleaning interval for the fuser discharge comb to maintain high print quality. --Firmware modifications to accommodate new DIMM architecture. --Image transfer Kit life algorithm modified. --Incorrect help message part numbers in Traditional Chinese. --The word "Supplies" is incorrect is Traditional Chinese. revision "20021003 04.003.0" ------------------------------ --Some characters are malformed when printed Some printed characters have odd lines through them, or may have areas that are "filled in". Example; the letter 'e' may have the bottom half filled. Other characters may have 'tails' at the bottom. --Font DIMM name issue Some Font DIMMs display the fonts TrueType Family number instead of the font name on the PCL Font List. --Extra black line at the bottom of the page An extra black line prints at the bottom of each page on postscript print jobs. --Printer pauses between pages on larger print jobs. Printing documents with hundreds of pages, the printer may start pausing between pages towards the end of the job. --Printer hangs when using Reduce Background, duplexing, glossy media The printer hangs when using the command "Reduce Background" from the printers menu, while selecting glossy media and duplexing with the postscript driver. The printer will print the second side of the document and will hang at "Processing Job" until the printer is rebooted. If user selects "Cancel Job", the printer will display canceling job until printer is rebooted. ====================================================================== DEVICE FIRMWARE REVISION ====================================================================== Color LaserJet 5500 Series Printers: Datecode: 20021217 04.009.0 *********************************** IV. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE *********************************** Some of the services below are provided for the United States only. Similar services to those listed below are available in other countries. See your printer's user guide or call your local authorized HP dealer. CUSTOMER SUPPORT See your printer's user guide or call your local authorized HP dealer. INTERNET An anonymous FTP library service is available worldwide for around-the-clock-access to drivers and technical support information for HP peripheral and computer products. Please note that paths may change without notice. Access the Internet or FTP address and use the menus to locate the software or support of your choice. * URL for HP LaserJet 5500 Series Support: http://www.hp.com/support/CLJ5500 * URL for Software and Support: http://www.hp.com/support/CLJ5500 * URL for Access HP: http://www.hp.com HP SOFTWARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Refer to your printer's user guide for additional methods of obtaining software and support information, such as printer driver distribution centers other online services, fax services, and other online support. *************************** V. LEGAL STATEMENTS *************************** TRADEMARK NOTICES MS-DOS, Windows, Windows 2000, Excel 2000 and Microsoft Office are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Quark and QuarkXPress are trademarks of Quark Inc. Mac, Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.